If you don’t believe me, take a look at this time series plot of available US GDP per capita. Figure 1:GDP per capita, in Ch.2012$ SAAR (blue); Linear trend (brown). Source: BEA via FRED, and author’s calculations. Linear regression yields t-stat on time trend of about 60 usi...
I thought this was a nice story, so I wanted to share it. Oklahoma is a low income per capita state, that has gotten no federal matching funds for the Affordable Care Act, so I wanna say $17,000 is no small thing in the state of Oklahoma. They said they will continue on working ...
states by GDP per capita (2016年) 美国各州人均gdp(2016年) -- 华盛顿D.C. 186,172美元 1.纽约州 75,360美元 2.马萨诸塞 74,564美元 3.特拉华 73,931美元 4.康涅狄格 73,643美元 5.北达科他 68,723美元 6.阿拉斯加 68,356美元 7.加利福尼亚 66,310美元 8.新泽西 64,970美元 9.怀俄明 64,...
2012年4月发布的世界各国/地区人均GDP排名 分享7赞 李毅吧 nychappy 2013年世界GDP及人均权威排名(IMF数据库2014年4月8日最后更新)【各国人均GDP】:排名 国家/地区 人均GDP(美元) 001 卢森堡 110424 002 挪威 100318 003 卡塔尔 100260 【—— 中国澳门 87306 】 004 瑞士 81324 005 澳大利亚 64863 006 丹麦 ...
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Obviously, this is in the nature of a correlation; there are no control variables (e.g., structure of economy, initial per capita GDP, etc.), nor accounting for endogeneity. Nonetheless, the fact that the correlation pops up so readily is interesting. ...
Energy transition is one of the main objectives of the European Union. Significant changes will mainly affect countries in which significant modifications will have to be made to their energy sources. The process will involve high investment in infrastru