人均购买力平价GDP(英文Per Capita GDP at Purchasing Power Parity, 简称PPP),是用来衡量一个国家或地区的经济实力和生活水平的指标之一。是根据各国地区的名义GDP按照购买力平价(PPP)调整后得出的数值,和大家常看到的名义GDP不一样。购买力平价是一种汇率调整方式,用于比较不同国家和地区的货币购买力。例如在...
【2024全球人均购买力GDP排名】 人均购买力平价GDP(英文Per Capita GDP at Purchasing Power Parity, 简称PPP),是用来衡量一个国家或地区的经济实力和生活水平的指标之一。是根据各国地区的名义GDP按照购买力...
GDP - per capita (PPP): $41,429 (2019 est.)$41,074 (2018 est.)$40,859 (2017 est.)note: data are in 2010 dollarsDefinition: This entry shows real GDP, divided by population as of 1 July for the same year.Source: CIA World Factbook - This page was last updated on Saturday, ...
Global GDP per capita in terms of PPP is forecast to be around Int. $24,469, Int. $1,095 up compared to Int. $23,374 in 2023. Per capita income in PPP, which gives better living standard estimates, is 177% of the nominal. During three years, global per capita income grew by ...
2024年主要发达国家人均平价购买力排名(GDP per capita purchasing power parity): 单位:国际元(international dollars) 1.美国:8.66万 2.德国:7.093万 3.澳大利亚:6.948万 4.法国:6.594万 5.韩国:6.296万 6.加拿大:6.277万 7.英国:6.257万 8.意大利:6.099万 9.西
As of 2024, Luxembourg would stay at the top of the GDP per capita ranking in nominal and PPP terms. Luxembourg would remain in the top spot of the nominal ranking for the next few years, as it is ahead of 2nd-ranked occupier Switzerland by a huge margin of $29,224. Regarding ppp ...
The latest value for GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2011 international $) in Korea was 42,336 as of 2020. Over the past 30 years, the value for this indicator has fluctuated between 42,759 in 2019 and 12,656 in 1990.Definition: GDP per capita based on purchasing power parity (PPP). ...
The GDP per capita PPP is obtained by dividing the country’s gross domestic product, adjusted by purchasing power parity, by the total population. ActualPreviousHighestLowestDatesUnitFrequency 73637.3072165.4873637.3043758.401990 - 2023USDYearly
GDP Per Capita (PPP, Int$, 2021 Constant Prices)Latest Data (2024) Algeria15,974 India15,136 Jamaica15,092 Namibia14,959 Lebanon14,842 Philippines14,825 Angola13,624 Laos12,377 Bangladesh12,178 Jordan12,074 Morocco11,989 Uzbekistan11,842 ...
PPP(purchasing power parity) is defined as amount of a country's currency that is needed to buy the same quantity of local goods and services that can by bought with US dollar in the US.