我们可以使用人均实际GDP 这一数值来测量 (real GDP per capita)人口 总量这一因素。 计算的方法是,用实际GDP除以一国人口总量, 我们得到一个国家生活水平的平均值。这么计算 虽然不尽完美,但是已经足够有一个国家的 实际人均GDP. 我们再谷歌搜索美国实际人均GDP FRED 这是我们得到的数据 1950年美国的人均实际GDP,...
Figure 1:GDP per capita, in Ch.2012$ SAAR (blue); Linear trend (brown). Source: BEA via FRED, and author’s calculations. Linear regression yields t-stat on time trend of about 60 using robust standard errors. GDP per capita is rising about 40 Ch2012$ per quarter. Or, one might th...
A quantitative relationship between per capita GDP and scientometric criteria. Scientometrics, 71(3), 407-413.Ye, Fred Y. (2007). A quantitative relationship between per capita GDP and scientometric criteria. Scientomtrics. Vol. 71, No. 3: 407-413....
states by GDP per capita (2016年) 美国各州人均gdp(2016年) -- 华盛顿D.C. 186,172美元 1.纽约州 75,360美元 2.马萨诸塞 74,564美元 3.特拉华 73,931美元 4.康涅狄格 73,643美元 5.北达科他 68,723美元 6.阿拉斯加 68,356美元 7.加利福尼亚 66,310美元 8.新泽西 64,970美元 9.怀俄明 64,...
The growth rate of GDP differs from the growth rate of GDP per capita simply because GDP per capita also depends on the population of the country which grows independently of the output. Growth rate of GDP per capita is a better measure of improvement in standard of life of an average ...
per capita GDP. Section 6 explores the nature of the observed heterogeneity. In Section 7, we provide more evidence on the relative impact of expressway connection on local emissions, production cleanliness, the distribution of polluting production, and local sectoral patterns, from which the ...
states by GDP per capita (2016年) 美国各州人均gdp(2016年) -- 华盛顿D.C. 186,172美元 1.纽约州 75,360美元 2.马萨诸塞 74,564美元 3.特拉华 73,931美元 4.康涅狄格 73,643美元 5.北达科他 68,723美元 6.阿拉斯加 68,356美元 7.加利福尼亚 66,310美元 8.新泽西 64,970美元 9.怀俄明 64,...
W.C. Varones:If you read a basic money, banking and finance textbook, you would know that as countries develop, credit growth typically exceeds nominal GDP growth (i.e., the ratio of credit to GDP rises with per capita income). This is a cross-country phenomenon. If one were to look...