The natural competitor of China is obviously the USA, both in economic and most importantly military terms. However it would be wrong to picture such a bipolar world. In fact today the globalised economy is dominated by several continental super-powers: USA, China and the European Union are th...
United States Of America (U.S.A) 26,954 China 17,786 Germany 4,430 Japan 4,231 India 3,730 United Kingdom (U.K.) 3,332 France 3,052 Italy 2,190 Brazil 2,132 Canada 2,122 Source: Forbes The data was sourced from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and ...
GDP Development of China and USA in terms of mutual sanctions and COVID-19doi:10.1051/SHSCONF/20219207061Petr uleJaromír VrbkaEDP SciencesSHS Web of Conferences
The United States’ economy is by far the largest in the world; a status which can be determined by several key factors, one being gross domestic product: A look at the GDP of the main industrialized and emerging countries shows a significant difference between US GDP and the GDP of China...
USA vs China 1980-2030 : Nominal GDP, GDP PPP, Growth Rate & Population 美国vs中国1980-2030:名义GDP,GDP PPP,增长率和人口
世界各国历年人均GDP统计 CountryName CountryCode1960196119621963 ArabWorld ARB EastAsia&Pacific(allincomelevels)EAS 147.8145.3146.0159.7 EastAsia&Pacific(developingonly)EAP 92.579.671.175.1 Euroarea EMU 948.41035.41137.41263.5 Europe&CentralAsia(allincomelevels)ECS 659.8694.3749.8817.1 Europe&...
By and large increasing wealth brings increased longevity in its train, for individuals and for countries. Consequently, the long established rapid growth of Chinese GDP has for many years been paralleled by rapid growth in life expectancy in China. -
2 中国 China (PRC) 7,484,070 (471564亿元 RMB) 世界各国2012年GDP排名(世界银行版) Gross domestic product 2012 Ranking USA CHN JPN DEU FRA GBR BRA RUS ITA IND CAN AUS ESP MEX KOR IDN TUR NLD CHE SAU SWE IRN NOR POL BEL ARG AUT ZAF VEN COL THA ARE DNK MYS SGP CHL HKG NGA EGY ...
Current rankings are listed at the top of our page. Below are the top 5 annual GDPs since 1980, calculated as 2015 US dollars. The World Bank predicts that by 2024, China will unseat the USA as having the largest GDP. GDP Rank#1#2#3#4#5 1980 USA Japan Germany* USSR France 1985 US...
Let's compare BRICS and G7 without USA and China and then see the impact 让我们比较一下没有美国和中国的金砖国家和七国集团,然后看看影响 spock Brics simplified : 70% —->中国 30%—->其他 G7 simplified : 55%——>美国 45%——>其他 金砖简化:70%——>中国 30%——>其他 G7简化:55%...