从给定的数据可以看出,突尼斯和厄瓜多尔的年度GDP增长在此期间有所下降,而GDP所占百分比在日本明显增加。 As is given in the bar graph, initially in 2007 the annual percentage of GDP growth in Tunisia was over 6 while this was only 2% in Japan and just over 3% in Ecuador. Within three years, ...
The column graph compares the annual GDP growth of Tunisia, Japan and Ecuador from 2007 to 2010. Overall, yearly GDP (Gross domestic product) growth for Tunisia and Ecuador was higher than that of Japan in 2007 but Japan managed to accelerate it while it reduced in two other countries...
Sample Answer: The column graph compares the annual GDP growth of Tunisia, Japan and Ecuador from 2007 to 2010. Overall, yearly GDP (Gross domestic product) growth for Tunisia and Ecuador was higher than that of Japan in 2007 but Japan managed to accelerate it while it reduced in two other...
DEFINITION: The GDP implicit deflator is the ratio of GDP in current local currency to GDP in constant local currency. The base year varies by country. CONTENTS MAP INTERESTING Q+A Totals # COUNTRY AMOUNT DATE GRAPH HISTORY 1 Democratic Republic of the Congo 185.38 trillion 2005 failed ...
65 Tunisia 8,371.14 PPP $ 2005 66 Dominican Republic 8,217.43 PPP $ 2005 67 Tonga 8,176.82 PPP $ 2005 68 Iran 7,967.85 PPP $ 2005 69 Belarus 7,918.24 PPP $ 2005 70 Kazakhstan 7,856.81 PPP $ 2005 71 Suriname 7,721.69 PPP $ 2005 72 Equatorial Guinea 7,643.13 PPP $ 2004...
Uruguay64.560.3Dec/23% Uzbekistan37.936.4Dec/23% Venezuela146161Dec/23% Vietnam33.537.1Dec/23% Yemen66.466Dec/23% Zambia73.456.4Dec/23% Zimbabwe8792.6Dec/24% Related China Unveils CNY 10 Trillion Debt Swap Program Eurozone Government Debt Ratio Falls to 4-Year Low ...
140 Guatemala 0.10 141 Honduras 0.10 142 Nepal 0.10 143 Japan 0.10 144 Mauritius 0.10 145 Chile 0 146 Tunisia 0 147 Turkey 0 148 Ukraine 0 149 Philippines 0 150 Uruguay 0 151 Pakistan 0 152 Nigeria 0 153 Bangladesh 0 154 Colombia 0 155 Burundi 0 Country Comparison GraphWeb...
184 Tunisia 2,506.2 2012 185 Kosovo 2,488.37 2012 186 Federated States of Micronesia 2,392.77 2012 187 Georgia 2,124.59 2012 188 Azerbaijan 2,088.35 2012 189 Venezuela 2,050.06 2012 190 Papua New Guinea 1,845.1 2012 191 Jordan 1,664.35 2012 192 Turkey 1,591.33 2012 193 Kirib...
84 Tunisia 2,412.4 constant 2000 US$ 2005 85 El Salvador 2,409.89 constant 2000 US$ 2005 86 Thailand 2,391.12 constant 2000 US$ 2005 87 Peru 2,357.32 constant 2000 US$ 2005 88 Suriname 2,296.66 constant 2000 US$ 2005 89 Colombia 2,295.51 constant 2000 US$ 2005 90 Fiji 2,26...
83 Tunisia 2,412.4 constant 2000 US$ per c 2005 84 Maldives 2,355.35 constant 2000 US$ per c 2005 85 Peru 2,336.68 constant 2000 US$ per c 2005 86 Romania 2,258.65 constant 2000 US$ per c 2005 87 Colombia 2,205.54 constant 2000 US$ per c 2005 88 Fiji 2,198 constant 2000...