Gross Domestic Product of United States grew 0.8% in the forth quarter of 2023 compared to the previous quarter. This rate is 1 -tenth of one percent higher than the figure of 0.7% published in the third quarter of 2023.
【抽样】2022美国..BLS在今日发布了2022年美国住户收支调查,2022年,美国的消费单元(即住户,consumption unit)数量13409万个,户均2.4人,2022年,美国住户户均税前收入(即扣除个人所得税
Gross Domestic Product of Czechia grew 0.5% in the third quarter of 2024 compared to the previous quarter. This rate is 3 -tenths of one percent higher than the figure of 0.2% published in the second quarter of 2024.
UK Total Debt accounted for 871.1 % of the country's GDP in 2024, compared with the ratio of 876.8 % in the previous quarter.
For the period 2000–2020, the annual population growth rates declined from 1.13 to 0.96% in the USA, from 0.69 to 0.27% in France, from 0.05 to −0.49% in Italy, from 0.79 to 0.24% in China, from 1.82% to 0.96 in India, etc. (World Bank 2023). Declining rates of growth lead...
Taiwan Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per Capita reached 32,756.000 USD in Dec 2022, compared with 33,059.000 USD in Dec 2021. Taiwan GDP Per Capita data is updated yearly, available from Dec 1951 to Dec 2022, with an average number of 4,693.000 USD. The data reached an all-time high...
50 richest countries in the world by GDP per capita Share: List of countries by GDP: overview Every year, the IMF and the World Bank calculate the gross domestic product, or GDP, of all countries in the world. Based on this indicator, a rating of the richest countries is formed. The ...
淄博1月30日讯 1月30日,淄博市统计局发布根据市级生产总值统一核算结果,全年淄博实现生产总值(GDP)4402.6亿元。 2022年淄博市经济运行承压稳进,稳中向好。全年全市实现生产总值(GDP)4402.6亿元,按不变价格计算,比上年增长4.7%。其中,第一产业增加值188.6亿元,增长5%;第二产业增加值2193.7亿元,增长4.9%;第三产业...
- GDP price deflator - which on a month-to-month basis rose by an annual rate of 10.1 percent in February. The next issue of Monthly GDP Warp Digest, featuring the first (flash) estimate for March, will be released at 4:30 PM Eastern Time (USA & Canada), Tuesday, April 12, 2022....
Canada Nominal GDP reached 513.5 USD bn in Dec 2022, compared with 537.3 USD bn in the previous quarter. Nominal GDP in Canada is updated quarterly, available from Mar 1957 to Dec 2022, with an average number of 143.4 USD bn. The data reached an all-time high of 553.5 USD bn in ...