Gross domestic product (GDP) of China at current prices 2023 Gross domestic product (GDP) of India at current prices 2024 Industry comparison Share of services sector in GDP in North America Leading country by R&D expenditure as share of gross domestic product (GDP) Ratio of pension ass...
According to the budget estimates for fiscal year 2020, about 1.35 percent of India's GDP was spent on public health.
2019印度GDP增7.3% 印度2018年的GDP增速是7.3%,我国2018年的GDP增幅是6.6%。由于国际资本逐利的本性,到将来的某一年,美国资本投资印度,获得的回报将高于投资我国。华尔街看多印度的研报,一份接一份。 据statista的预估数据,2019-2022年,印度的GDP增幅将在7.7%左右。我国2019年一季度GDP增幅为6.4%。IMF已将印度201...
according to Statista estimates. Ever since the privatization of Russia’s energy and defense-related sectors in the 1990s, the country has taken great strides when it comes to growth in the context of the world GDP.
Source: Authors’ own elaboration based on, accessed on 1 December 2023. However, when examining the situation in Poland, it is crucial to acknowledge its unique circumstances due to the scale and significance of the mining sector in its economy. Coal mining stands ...
relevance of the mining sector in the economy. Within this area, particular attention is given to the following issues: the impact of economic sectors on the country’s GDP (gross domestic product); the identification of key sectors of the economy using the input–output method; the ...
Show sources information Show publisher information Use Ask Statista Research Service Release date April 2024 Region United States Survey time period 1987 to 2023 Supplementary notes * Estimate.Figures have been rounded for the sake of a better understanding of the statistic. Open this statistic...
In fiscal year 2019, digital payments accounted for 769 percent of India's GDP share. The high ratio in the measured time period was a result of increasing digitization across the country was likely to continue. Records: You need aStatista Accountfor unlimited access ...
In 2023, the gross domestic product (GDP) of China amounted to around 17.8 trillion U.S. dollars. In comparison to the GDP of the other BRIC countries India, Russia and Brazil, China came first that year and second in the world GDP ranking. The stagnation of China's GDP in U.S. dol...
In 2023, the growth of real gross domestic product (GDP) in China amounted to 5.2 percent. For 2024, the IMF expects a GDP growth rate of around 4.8 percent. Real GDP growth The current gross domestic product is an important indicator of the economic strength of a country. It refers to...