G20(Group of Twenty)是一个由全球主要经济体组成的国际论坛,包括19个国家和欧盟。以下为IMF国际货币基金组织预测2024年G20国家GDP(国内生产总值)排名。GDP(国内生产总值)是指一个国家或地区在一定时期内生产的所有最终产品和服务的市场价值之总和,人均GDP则是除以该国或地区总人口得到的平均值,是衡量一个国...
IMF数据显示:印度人均GDP已经低于孟加拉国,印度人该为此担心吗? 本文译自Quora,原标题:As per IMF data, India has dropped below Bangladesh in per capitaGDP. Should Indians be worried about this? What can a common Indian do toincrease the per capital GDP of India? Suchindranath Aiyer 普通的印度人...
GDP per capita growth of IndiaGrowth rate (%)-10-10-50510L1961196519691973197719811985198919931997200120052009201320172021YearProjections by IMF YearGDP Growth rate(%) 2023 8.153 2024 7.021 2025 6.461 2026 6.470 2027 6.480 2028 6.489 2029 6.498Estimates...
还有ICICI 银行,该银行在美国、新加坡、巴林、中国大陆、香港、卡塔尔、阿曼、迪拜和南非等地设有分行;State Bank of India虽然总市值在金融行业排名第三,但是实力却不容忽视,它也是由印度政府出资设立的该国最大的商业银行,其中政府出资比例61.58%,目前在全球34个国家拥有180家分支机构,资产超过3592亿美元。 排名第...
IMF数据显示:印度人均GDP已经低于孟加拉国,印度人该为此担心吗? 本文译自Quora,原标题:As per IMF data, India has dropped below Bangladesh in per capitaGDP. Should Indians be worried about this? What can a common Indian do toincrease the per capital GDP of India? Suchindranath Aiyer 普通的印度人...
14. Furthermore, the IMF has released the 2023 world per capita GDP ranking, revealing the disparities in the standard of living and economic well-being among different nations.In summary: The 2023 global GDP ranking showcases the distribution of economic power worldwide, with the ...
This list contains projected GDP (Nominal and PPP) of top 50 Countries/Economies in current prices of year by IMF alongside their world rank, % share in world economy, gdp growth rate and gdp per capita.
12. 🇮🇳印度(India):全球第五大经济体,IT和服务业大国。主要产业信息技术、农业、制药、电影(宝莱坞)。货币为印度卢比(INR)。2024年人均GDP约为2698美元,G20里排名最低。13. 🇰🇷韩国(South Korea):亚洲第四大经济体,科技与制造业领先。主要产业电子(三星、LG)、汽车(现代,起亚)、游戏...
2020年全球GDP排名--IMF RankCountry GDP (millions of USD百万美元) 排名国家 — World全球61,963,429 — European Union欧盟 16,106,896 1United States美国 14,624,184 2People's Republic of China中国 5,745,133 3Japan日本 5,390,897 4Germany德国 3,305,898 5France法国2,555,439 6United ...
The IMF predicted in 2023 that India would become the world's fourth largest economy in 2026, while Japan's GDP would decline again to the fifth largest in the world. Japan's GDP has been overtaken by Germany, falling out of the top three globally ...