Firstly, China's development is an opportunity for the world and also for India.Currently, China is India's largest trading partner. Last year, the total import value of goods in India reached about 670 billion US dollars, with imports...
Going by the IMF, United States would remain the world’s largest economy with a size of $17.42 trillion, followed by China at $10.35 trillion.Meanwhile, India is all set to cross the $3 trillion milestone in 2019 with a size of $3.18 trillion, surpassing Russia, Brazil and Italy. This...
On a PPP basis, China is ahead of the US by Int. $9.1 trillion, and the gap is increasing. China will remain the world's largest economy on a PPP basis over the next few decades, as the second-ranked US is growing slowly and third-ranked India is way behind. Germany overtook Japan...
(Republic of China) 台湾 18458 39 Czech Republic捷克18288 40 Saudi Arabia沙特16996 41 Trinidad and Tobago特立尼达和多巴哥 16753 42 Slovakia斯洛伐克16104 43 Estonia爱沙尼亚14836 44 Barbados巴巴多斯14326 45 Croatia克罗地亚 13720 46 Hungary匈牙利12879 47 Antigua and Barbuda安提瓜和巴布达12849 48 Poland波兰...
5.India– Country GDP $3.41 trillion The Republic of India is a federal democracy that consists of 28 states and 8 union territories. It is the largest democracy and the 5th largest economy in the world. India has thriving manufacturing, technology, and service sectors. Since 2014, the rate...
where is modi now, disappeared to foreign country, biggest liar of india modi n party, no employment all lies, person who cannot support his family for his selfishness what he will care for nation.Reply 0 0 Flag莫迪现在在哪里,在外国消失了吧莫迪是印度最大的骗子说的 统统是谎言一个连自己家...
Currently, China is India's largest trading partner. Last year, the total import value of goods in India reached about 670 billion US dollars, with imports from China accounting for about 100 billion US dollars. Chinese goods accounted for 15% of India's total, including electronics, ...
Aamir. "Impact of FDI on GDP: A Comparative Study of China and India". International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 6(10), pp.71-79, 2011. Agarwal J, Khan MA (2011) Impact of FDI on GDP: A comparative study of China and India, Int. J. Business Management 6(10):...
2China14,722,700,000,000.002020 3Japan5,057,760,000,000.002020 4Germany3,846,410,000,000.002020 5United Kingdom2,759,800,000,000.002020 6India2,660,250,000,000.002020 7France2,630,320,000,000.002020 8Italy1,888,710,000,000.002020