Trading Economics provides data for 20 million economic indicators from 196 countries including actual values, consensus figures, forecasts, historical time series and news. GDP Forecast 2025/2026 - was last updated on Wednesday, March 5, 2025.
The GDP data presented below are based on official country data published by the World Bank and IMF, inPurchasing Power Parityterms, corrected using World Economics estimates for out-of-dateGDP base years, and estimates forinformal economicactivity. TheData Quality Ratingsshown in the table are ba...
Georgia$131.01$138.87B Slovenia$128.53$131.88A Bahrain$122.15$126.06D Honduras$117.47$121.58E Zimbabwe$116.46$123.45E Mali$114.39$119.42E El Salvador$111.18$114.51D Gabon$102.97$105.64E Guinea$100.64$106.37E Luxembourg$98.61$101.27A Laos$97.17$100.57E ...
Georgia30.5424.98Dec/23USD Billion Armenia24.2119.51Dec/23USD Billion Yemen21.0523.55Dec/23USD Billion Mongolia19.8717.15Dec/23USD Billion Lebanon17.9420.99Dec/23USD Billion Palestine17.419.17Dec/23USD Billion Afghanistan17.2314.5Dec/23USD Billion ...
Out of 196 economies, the rank of 93 economies has changed with Guyana is the biggest improver by a huge 11 position, followed by Norway (+8), Ireland (+5), and Tajikistan (+5). Macao lost 19 positions, followed by Ukraine (-11). There are many differences in rankings of economies ...
108 Georgia 2186 格鲁吉亚 109 Tonga 2138 汤加 110 Samoa 2047 萨摩亚 111 Republic of the Congo 1931 刚果(布) 112 Syria 1928 叙利亚 113 Vanuatu 1842 1999 瓦努阿图 114 Indonesia 1824 印尼 115 Egypt 1739 埃及 116 Paraguay 1715 巴拉圭 117 Philippines 1590 菲律宾 ...
格鲁吉亚Georgia 1.949.612.41-3.806.38 德国Germany5.723.300.830.81-5.083.56 加纳Ghana3.344.196.028.433.997.72 希腊Greece4.482.281.02-2.34-4.35 格林纳达Grenada5.257.0413.412.16-7.65-1.40 危地马拉Guatemala3.102.533.263.280.552.76 几内亚Guinea4.322.893.004.94-0.281.94 ...
121Georgia15,846,490,000.002020 122Guinea15,681,050,000.002020 123Benin15,651,550,000.002020 124Gabon15,316,830,000.002020 125Botswana15,061,920,000.002020 126Albania14,887,630,000.002020 127Malta14,647,390,000.002020 128Haiti14,508,220,000.002020 ...
Gross domestic product (GDP) refers to the market value of all final goods and services produced in a country in a given period. GDP per capita (GDP per citizen) is often considered an indicator of a country's standard of living.
The World Bank downgraded its forecast for Georgia's GDP dynamics in 2024 last week and now expects the Georgian economy to grow 5.2% (versus the previously expected 5.6%).The Government of Georgia expects the country's GDP to grow 5.2% in 2024, while the National Bank forecasts 5%, and ...