Ranked as one of most innovative countries in the world, Japan is the world’s largest electronic goods producer and the 3rd largest automobile manufacturer. The country generally has a surplus in annual trade and international investment. The country’s workforce is highly qualified and skilled, p...
household final consumption expenditure. The GDP deflator is usually derived implicitly as the ratio of current to constant price GDP - or a Paasche index. It is defective as a general measure of inflation for policy use because of long lags in deriving estimates and because it is often an an...
» Countries by Projected GDP » World GDP Ranking » Projected GDP per capita Ranking » Countries by Projected GDP per capita » Countries by Projected GDP Growth View More Economy StatisticsAs of 2025, the United States and China will occupy the first two places in both methods' GDP...
More rankings: Africa | Asia | Central America & the Caribbean | Europe | Middle East | North America | Oceania | South America | World | Statistical Concept and Methodology: For more information, see the metadata for current U.S. dollar GDP (NY.GDP.MKTP.CD) and total population (SP....
Regarding PPP per capita, Luxembourg is ahead of 2nd-ranked occupier Singapore by a low margin of Int. $1,306. In the nominal ranking, there would be two changes in the top 10 list as Singapore and Iceland overtake Norway and the United States, respectively. Among the top 50, Hungary's...
Norway was ranked second on the list of countries with the lowest level of corruption. One of the priorities of the Norwegian government is gender equality. According to Norwegian law, the share of women on public and private company boards and boards of directors is at least 40%. Norway ...
Macao takes second place in 2024 and is also ranked among the world’s top tax havens. Only two countries or territories among the top 14 in 2024 have populations exceeding 10 million people. Ireland, Guyana, Denmark, and Taiwan have joined the list since 2014, while Kuwait, Saudi Arabia,...
Ranked: Top Countries by GDP per HourThis was originally posted on our Voronoi app. Download the app for free on iOS or Android and discover incredible data-driven charts from a variety of trusted sources.This chart ranks countries by GDP per hour worked, or their labor productivity. Data ...
With above 126k USD, Luxembourg has the highest GDP (nominal) per capita globally in 2022, which is almost ten times of the world GDP per capita and over 407 times of lowest-ranked Burundi of US$311. In World Bank data, Monaco and Liechtenstein have better per capita gdp than Luxembourg...
GDP of African countries 2024, by country Published by Saifaddin Galal, Jul 8, 2024 South Africa's GDP amounted to just over 373 billion U.S. dollars in 2024, the highest in Africa. Egypt followed, with a GDP worth around 347.6 billion U.S. dollars and ranked as the second-highest...