Vietnam will probably surpass other Asean countries very soon within few years. Remember, Vietnam starting point was at very low comparing to other Asean countries but Vietnam's growth in recent year start to close the gap with other Asean countries. So,...
(2014) Energy consumption and GDP in ASEAN countries: Bootstrap-corrected panel and time series causality tests. Singapore Economic Review 59 (2): 1450010-1-1450010-16.Yildirim, E., Aslan, A., Ozturk, I. (2014), Energy consumption and GDP in ASEAN countries: Bootstrap-corrected panel and...
越南出口超过2640亿美元马来西亚出口额大约为2340亿美元泰国出口额为2290亿美元印尼出口额大约为1630亿美元新加坡出口额为1280亿美元菲律宾出口额远远落后其他国家,只有630亿美元2020 GDP Among 6 major Asean countries are as followIndonesia - $1,158BThailand - $509BPhilippines - $367BVietnam - $340BMalay...
In terms of Gross Domestic Product, the findings show that the economy of the 5 ASEAN countries will continue rising in a linear upward trend. Among the 5 ASEAN countries, Philippines has the highest Inflation and unemployment rate that explains the 76.1% of the GDP. The 23.9% is explained ...
National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) Secretary Arsenio Balisacan said the 7.6-percent growth is the fastest among the countries in ASEAN that have released the Q4 data. The pandemic risk management and the easing of...
东南亚国家联盟(Association of Southeast Asian Nations 或ASEAN)简称东盟,截止2023年有10个成员国:文莱、柬埔寨、印度尼西亚、老挝、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国、缅甸、越南。东盟近年来经济增速高于全球平均水平,是全球最具发展潜力的...
In 2023, the gross domestic product (GDP) of China amounted to around 17.8 trillion U.S. dollars. In comparison to the GDP of the other BRIC countries India, Russia and Brazil, China came first that year and second in the world GDP ranking. The stagnation of China's GDP in U.S. dol...
东南亚国家联盟(Association of Southeast Asian Nations 或ASEAN)简称东盟,截止2023年有10个成员国:文莱、柬埔寨、印度尼西亚、老挝、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国、缅甸、越南。东盟近年来经济增速高于全球平均水平,是全球最具发展潜力的地区之一,而且也是全球对外贸易和吸收外资的最活跃区域之一。由于文莱、柬埔寨、老挝...
Vietnam is one of the ASEAN countries experiencing export trade growth, and has had consistent yearly growth in GDP, at a rate of around six percent. Read more Vietnam: Gross domestic product (GDP) in current prices from 1987 to 2029* (in billion U.S. dollars) ...
GDPGestione Delle Presenze(Italian: Management of Attendance; software) GDPGeneral Defense Plan(SACEUR) GDPGateway Discovery Protocol GDPGroup Design Project GDPGround Data Processing GDPGlobal Delivery Platform(various companies) GDPGroupes de Pairs(French: Peer Groups) ...