The nominal risk-free rate is best described as the sum of the real risk-free rate and a() A.maturity risk premium B.liquidity risk premium C.expected inflation premium 点击查看答案 第7题 The feeling described by Keats may best be described as one of ___.A.amazementB.silence The feel...
Aggregate supply is best described as the a. total output of product. b. point of equilibrium. c. nation's gross domestic product. d. excess supply in the market. The market value of final goods and services produced in a nation during a specified ...
The growth is estimated to amount to 6.31 percent in 2029. As described by the International Monetary Fund, this indicator describes the annual change in the gross domestic product at constant prices. This is expressed in national currency units. Here the gross domestic product represents the ...
The real GDP is determined in the labor market, and increases in prices result in nominal wages rising in such a way as to leave the employment and real GDP unchanged. The policy described in the ques The measure of GDP that has not ...
Hence, potential output is the same as potential GDP and is often described as the maximum sustainable output. Sustainable output means that the economy is functioning normally rather than maximally. So, for instance, employees are working regular hours, not overtime, and factories and other ...
自主学习能力强的人,有一定的社会实践经验,心理成熟、感知丰富,思维的逻辑性,批判性较强,具有独立处理问题的优势和独立分析问题解决问题的能力,能够独立地收集运用资料,独立地选题,独立地完成实验和科研项目,独立地完成学习任务。( )
First, we show that the nowcasting ability of the AR(1) used as naive model is not better, if and only if a sophisticated model framework is defined. Second, the disaggregation into components reduces the nowcasting error despite the inclusion of multiple sources of nowcasting errors. The ...
d. central to macroeconomic analysis as well as to microeconomic analysis. ANS: D DIF: 1 REF: 23-0 NAT: Analytic LOC: The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP: Demand | Supply MSC: Definitional 9. Which of the following statistic is usually regarded as the best single ...
According to the passage, socialization can be best described as a process in which one learns how to ___. A. behave in a soeiety B. make friends C. be a male or female D. treat people differentially 查看完整题目与答案 护理体检是为了 A. 全面采集病人资料 B. 解决...
As we previously described, nominal GDP is the GDP at current prices (i.e. with inflation). To calculate nominal GDP, it’s as simple as multiplying the prices of all goods and services by their quantities and find the total number. ...