GDP计算方法1:支出法 Expenditure approach支出法计算GDP:CIGXn=consumption+investment+government spending+net export=GDP(只要加这些上去就行了,不用管depreciation贬值) (1)consumptionexpenditures durable goods non-durable goods services (2)government expenditures like schools,roads,tanks... (3)investment expend...
支出法GDP=个人消费支出+政府消费+政府净投资+私人国内净投资+折旧+出口-进口 =GNP+国外从本国取得的要素收入-本国从国外取得的要素收入 GNP=NNP+折旧NNP=NI+间接税-政府补贴NI=劳动工资收入+业主收入+租金收入+公司利润+净利息收入 简介:GDP(国内生产总值):是指一个国家(或地区)所有常住单位在...
支出法GDP=个人消费支出+政府消费+政府净投资+私人国内净投资+折旧+出口-进口 =320+145+170+120+130-120=765 收入法GDP=GNP+国外从本国取得的要素收入-本国从国外取得的要素收入 GNP=NNP+折旧 NNP=NI+间接税-政府补贴 NI=劳动工资收入+业主收入+租金收入+公司利润+净利息收入=175+104+140+1...
The difference between the expenditure approach and the income approach is their starting point. The expenditure approach begins with the money spent on goods and services. Conversely, the income approach starts with the income earned from the production of goods and services, such as wages, rents,...
We can calculate GDP using the income approach or the expenditure approach. The income approach measures the total income that is earned by all the households in a nation. The expenditure approach measures the total amount of spending on goods and services that are produced within the domestic ...
Whereas the expenditure approach projects forward from costs, the production approach looks backward from the vantage point of a state of completed economic activity.10 The Income Approach The income approach represents a kind of middle ground between the two other approaches to calculating GDP. ...
9、口产品的价值 B 印尼佣人的所得 C 折旧 D 政府的补贴,1.2 GDP的计算法支出法(Expenditure Approach) 所得法(Income Approach)及 产出法(Output Approach)。,1.2.1支出法支出法是将用于购买各种最终物品的支出相加而得出的GDP。,大体上来说,支出应包括下列四项: 1消费支出 消费支出(Consumption, C)是指家庭...
2 Chapter5 MeasuringtheEconomy’sOutput 3 MainPoints 1.DefinitionofGDP 2.Howitismeasured –ExpenditureApproach(支出法)–ValueAddedApproach(增值法)–IncomeApproach (收入法)3.Nominalvs.RealGDP –PriceIndicesSidebar –GDPdeflaton 4.ShortcomingsofGDP –Asameasureofoutput –Asameasureofwell-being ...
3.1)支出法 Expenditure approach GDP=C+I+G+(X–M) 支出法 GDP总金额=消费支出+政府支出 + 投资支出+货物与服务净出口 C=消费支出 I=私人部门的投资 G=政府支出 X=出口Export M=进口Import 贸易余额代表一个国家对外收支的盈余。 S=I+(G–T)+(X–M) ...
2.Measurement approaches: There are three primary approaches to calculating GDP: the production approach, the income approach, and the expenditure approach. These approaches provide consistent ways to estimate GDP from different perspectives. 3.Components of GDP: GDP can be divided into several componen...