On Tuesday,the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI)released the GDP data for the first quarter of the current financial year (2021-22). Each year, the MoSPI releases four quarterly GDP data updates and these help observers assess the current health of the Indian economy....
印度经济最重要且增长最快的行业是服务业。贸易、酒店、运输和通信;金融、保险、房地产和商业服务以及社区、社会和个人服务占GDP的60%以上。农业、林业和渔业约占产出的12%,但吸纳了劳动力的50%以上。制造业占GDP的15%,建筑业占8%,而采矿、采石、电力、燃气和水供应占剩余的5%。 当前值,历史数据,预测,统计,图...
f government capiI3ta.alHlfsoDorIimncaltuiodne.sDmaotastaerxepienncduirturernest on national defense and security, but excludes government military expenditures that are part of government capital formation. Data are in current U.S. dollars. The HDI comprises macro indicators that are described by...
印度:印度统计局(Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation)- mospi.gov.in/ 日本:日本统计局(Statistics Bureau of Japan)- stat.go.jp/english/inde 韩国:韩国统计局(Statistics Korea)- kostat.go.kr/portal/eng 印度尼西亚:印度尼西亚统计局(Badan Pusat Statistik)- bps.go.id/ 巴基斯坦:巴基斯坦...