In 2021, the agriculture sector contributed around 0.94 percent to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the United States. In that same year, 17.61 percent came from industry, and the service sector contributed the most to the GDP, at 76.4 percent. ...
However, in the past decade (2008 to 2018), agriculture's contribution to Vietnam's GDP has been decreasing while the country’s industry sector experienced rapid growth at the same time. As of 2018, Vietnam’s top exports include information technology hardware, such as broadcasting equipment...
Computers in Human Behavior, 65, 43–45. Article Google Scholar Solanki, S., Inumula, K., & Chitnis, A. (2020). Sectoral contribution to economic development in India: A time-series co-integration analysis. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 7, 191–200. https://...
The white paper titled “The Right to Development: China’s Philosophy, Practice and Contribution,” said the number of phone connections in China has climbed to 1.54 billion last year with 688 million internet users and over 700 million people were lifted out of poverty in the last three ...
Below is a quick look at both groups’ contribution to the world economy in PPP-adjusted terms.Global GDP Share1992200220122022 BRICS 16.45% 19.34% 28.28% 31.67% G7 45.80% 42.34% 32.82% 30.31%A major contributing factor to BRICS’ rise is Chinese and Indian economic growth. ...
I mpact of Employment on GDP Contribution of Various Sectors in IndiaSugandha AgarwalDeepa GuptaPriyanka Verma
has risen spectacularly. China and Russia together are expected to account for not far short of 25% of global GDP by 2030. Whereas Russia's contribution may be as low as 2% due to an exceptionally poor record of annual growth, some 5-6% lower than the growth seen in China and India. ...
In addition the report also stated that exports and investment demand added on average 1.4 percentage points to aggregate demand growth from 1999 to 2009/10. This contribution fell to an average of 0.7 percentage points since 2010. Low growth contributions of investment and exports are associated ...
Assuming a simple two-state (states A and B) chemical exchange process, the exchange contributions in the 1H-13C MQ relaxation rates, RMQ,ex and ΔRMQ,ex, can be expressed by equations (1) and (2), using the exchange rate, kex, the populations of the two states, pA, pB (pA>pB)...
The contribution of Russia’s industry sector to its GDP has remained more or less stable, averaging about 30% over the last decade. For context, the U.S. only generates about 18% of its GDP from industry. Industry comprises mining, manufacturing, construction, electricity, water, and gas....