Macau SAR (China) GDP Per Capita reached 32,418.334 USD in Dec 2022, compared with 44,095.165 USD in Dec 2021.
Per capita GDP in China was estimated at around 12,600 U.S. dollars in 2023, slightly below the average level in East Asia and Pacific.
In 2024, China’s newborn population reached 9.54 million, an increase of 520,000 compared to the previous year. Per capita disposable income reached 41,314 yuan ($5638.37), up 5.3% year on year in nominal terms in 2024.Retail sales of consumer goods in 2024 amounted to 48.79 ...
省区 19.03 B 北京 17.99 S 上海 14.44 J 江苏 12.68 F 福建 11.92 T 天津 11.85 Z 浙江 10.19 G 广东 9.65 N 内蒙古 GDP 首字母 省区 9.21 H 湖北 9.07 C 重庆 8.60 S 山东 8.29 S 陕西 7.37 S 山西 7.36 A 安徽 7.36 H 湖南 7.09
China's-GDP-Per-Capita China’sGDPPerCapita ---ACaseStudyonChina’sAutoMarket Contents GDP&GDPpercapitaBoomingAutoMarketinChinaMovetotheSecondandThird-tierCitiesIncomeElasticity Conclusion GDP&GDPpercapita ❖GDP:themarketvalueofallfinalgoodsandservicesproducedinacountryduringaperiodoftime.❖GDPpercapita:...
dollars GDP per capita, PPP 22,138 2023 U.S. dollars GDP per capita, constant dollars 12,174.00 2023 U.S. dollars Economic growth, quarterly 5.40 Q4/2024 percent Economic growth Q-on-Q 1.60 Q4/2024 percent Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 37,372.60 Q4/2024 billion...
查看图表中 1949 到2023 期间的中国 GDP: per Capita: Zhejiang: Quzhou最大值 一年 五年 十年 筛选 获取此数据 中国2023的GDP: per Capita: Zhejiang: Quzhou是多少? 数值 前次数值 最小值 最大值 单位 频率 范围 92,662.000 2023 87,544.000 2022 61.000 1949 92,662.000 2023 人民币 年 ...
More... CountryRank OrderGDP PPP 2024 (Billions, Int$)Global GDP (% Share, 2024)GDP per Capita (PPP, Int$, 2024)Debt (% of GDP)World Economics Data Quality Grade (A-E) China141,303.8119.629,10171.6C United States226,888.9112.777,843112.7A ...