China GDP Per Capita reached 12,621.720 USD in Dec 2023, compared with 12,674.873 USD in Dec 2022.
Per capita GDP in China was estimated at around 12,600 U.S. dollars in 2023, slightly below the average level in East Asia and Pacific.
全国居民人均食品烟酒消费支出占人均消费支出的比重(恩格尔系数)为29.8%,比上年下降0.7个百分点;全国居民人均服务性消费支出增长14.4%,占人均消费支出的比重为45.2%,比上年提高2.0个百分点。 China's per capita disposable income was 39,218 yuan (about $5,511) in 2023, up 6.3 percent year on year in no...
China: Gross Domestic Product, billions of U.S. dollars: The latest value from 2023 is 17794.78 billion U.S. dollars, a decline from 17881.78 billion U.S. dollars in 2022. In comparison, the world average is 579.57 billion U.S. dollars, based on data fro
"China's per capita GDP is around $13,000, which is similar to South Korea's level in the 1990s. That means there's a huge amount of development space," he said. Quan said given that China's GDP is 126 trillion yuan ($17.5 trillion), double-digit growth seen in the past may not...
China's per capita disposable income was 39,218 yuan (about $5,511) in 2023, up 6.3 percent year on year in nominal terms, data from the NBS showed. 人口总量有所减少,城镇化率持续提高 年末全国人口(包括31个省、自治区、直辖市和现役军人的人口,...
"China's per capita GDP is around $13,000, which is similar to South Korea's level in the 1990s. That means there's a huge amount of development space," he said.Quan said given that China's GDP is 126 trillion ...
该数据的历史最高值出现于12-01-2023,达94,135.000人民币,而历史最低值则出现于12-01-1949,为87.000人民币。CEIC提供的国内生产总值:人均:重庆数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于重庆市统计局,数据归类于中国经济数据库的国民账户 – Table CN.AE: Gross Domestic Product: Prefecture Level City: per Capita。
BEIJING, Jan. 23 (Xinhuanet) -- China's per capita gross domestic product (GDP) exceeding 10,000 U.S. dollars bears great significance to both China and the world in terms of economic and social development, an economic expert said. ...
China's gross domestic product (GDP) expanded 12.7 percent year on year in the first half of 2021. 2021 年上半年,我国 GDP 同比增长 12.7%。 民生people's wellbeing 我们发展经济,最根本的目的就是改善民生。民生需求点就是经济增长点。 people's wellbeing ...