国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product,简称GDP)是指在一定时期内(一个季度或一年),一个国家或地区的经济中所生产出的全部最终产品和劳务的价值(the market value of all the final goods and services produced in a specific time p...
In general, Linyi's economy got off to a steady start in the first quarter of 2022 despite challenges from an increasingly complex international environment and resurgences of COVID-19 cases at home.
据合肥日报报道,GDP总量超过2008年全年水平,全社会固定资产投资半年突破2000亿元大关,规模以上工业增加值跻身全国省会城市“十强”……记者昨日从合肥市政府第十三次全体会议上获悉,今年上半年,尽管宏观经济形势复杂多变,出现的困难和矛盾超过预期,但合肥依然交出了一份令人眼前一亮的答卷。 GDP增幅居中部省会第一 时间...
1. What is GDP at factor cost? GDP-FC refers to the total cost of each factor of production. It is an important parameter, second only to GDP-MP (GDP). GDP-FC can be calculated by subtracting the value of indirect taxes from GDP-MP and adding the value of subsidies received. 2. ...
337.下面属于合成DNA的原料是Adamp DGMP GCMP GTMPBdatp dgtp dctp dttpCdadp DGDP GCDP dtdpD ATP GT
10 月 28 日下午,香港科技大学(广州)本科招办署理副主任、河南省招生组组长盛竞仪与副组长付佳一行两人莅临开封高中,开封高中副校长张志强、房建云、督导室主任苏新明进行了热情接待。下午五点,在校四楼会议室,双方领导进行了深入且友好的交流,围绕教育理念、人才培养模式等核心话题进行了细致研讨。香港科技大学(广州)作...
Other main targets for socioeconomic development include a 5% growth in both the city’s general public budget revenue and the added value of industrial enterprises above designated scale, surveyed urban unemployment rate kept ...
The added value of industries above designated size – enterprises earning at least 20 million yuan annually – increased by 6.6 percent. 新能源(new energy)、新基建(new infrastructure construction)等需求旺盛带动相关行业较快增长,...
"the chinese economy met the national target, which was set at around 5 percent, and actually exceeded it. that is good news for china and also good news for asia and the world because china delivers one-third of globa...