Trading Economics provides data for 20 million economic indicators from 196 countries including actual values, consensus figures, forecasts, historical time series and news. GDP Constant Prices Forecast 2024/2025 - was last updated on Saturday, November
We can use the following formula for the conversion of GDP at the current price into GDP at a constant price: Example Let us understand the calculation of GDP at current and constant prices with the below example: There are three categories of goods named X, Y, and Z. We need to calcul...
朝鲜的GDP不变价在2023年从2022年的31361.80亿朝鲜元增加到32320.10亿朝鲜元。来源:The Bank of Korea 近期数据前次数据单位参考日期 不变价国内生产总值32320.1031361.80KPW - 十亿Dec 2023 从农业GDP7216.007146.70KPW - 十亿Dec 2023 从国内生产总值建设3325.103073.20KPW - 十亿Dec 2023 ...
For each dollar of GDP (in constant prices) rich economies now use nearly 50% less oil than in 1973. 拿国内生产总值中每单位美元来说,发达国家如今(单位美元)所使用的石油比1973年的少了将近一半。 全句 For each dollar of GDP (in constant prices) rich economies now use nearly 50% less oil...
Based OnBase year market pricesCurrent market prices Adjusted for InflationYesNo Value (During Inflation)LowerHigher How AccurateMore accurateMay overstate growth during times of inflation Other NamesConstant dollar or inflation-adjusted GDPCurrent dollar GDP ...
1 GDPatConstant Prices SubregionalWorkshoponthe 1993SNA September2001 Constantpriceestimates §Movementsincurrentpricesareaffectedby: §changesinprices §changesinvolumes §Thiscanbewrittenas:Vn=ΣPnQn §Toanalyse'real'changesineconomicactivities,itisusefulto focusonchangesinvolumes §Constantpricesremovetheeff...
Define the term Gross Domestic Product or GDP. Explain the difference between GDP at current prices (nominal GDP) and GDP at constant prices (real GDP). Discuss why GDP is not a good indicator of economic welfare, particula...
Nominal GDPis an assessment of economic production in an economy that includes current prices in its calculation. In other words, it doesn’t strip out inflation or the pace of rising prices, which can inflate the growth figure. All goods and services counted in nominal GDP are valued at the...
for each dollar of GDP(条件状语),rich economies(主语)now(时间状语)use(谓语) nearly 50% less oil than(that used省略结构) in 1973。就GDPC产出而言,发达国家花在石油上的钱比1973年少了近50