GDPandtheDigitalEconomy:KeepingUpWiththeChanges BrentR.Moulton May1999 BureauofEconomicAnalysis U.S.DepartmentofCommerce Washington,DC20230 IthankStevenLandefeld,RosemaryMarcuss,BarbaraFraumeni,SumiyeOkubo,Robert Parker,andEugeneSeskinforcommentsonanearlierdraft. ...
From Traditional to Digital: The Labour Market Demands and Education Expectations in an EU Context The world we live in is crossing an era of a digital revolution, which transforms everything and keeping up to these changes is important for every economy... Emilia ian,A Burciu,D Manea,......
doi:10.1057/s41599-023-02110-1Suárez lvarez, AnaVicente, María R.Humanities & Social Sciences Communications
全市高新技术企业达到4397家,占全省总数的1/5,高新技术产业产值占规模以上工业总产值比重达到54.7%。 The information technology service industry cluster was included inthe first batch of China's strategic emerging industry clusters, and the digital economy a...
GUIYANG, Jan. 22 (Xinhua) -- The digital economy accounted for 42 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) in southwest China's Guizhou Province in 2023, local authorities said on Monday. Data from a press briefing shows that the province's GDP surpassed 2.09 trillion yuan (about 291 billion...
MDEC:希望推动数字经济为马来西亚今年GDP贡献25.5%份额:马来西亚数字经济发展局(Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation,MDEC)日前表示,将致力于通过促进企业数字化转型、人才培养、技术部署等举措,促进马来西亚在年底前实现(或超过)数字经济占GDP总值25.5%的目标。TEMU上线东南亚首个半托管站点:2月20日消息,TEMU日前...
The digital economy was estimated at 16 trillion yuan (2.32 trillion U.S. dollars) in the January-June period, according to the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT) under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The CAICT said the figure was equivalent to...
"In 2024, Beijing will accelerate the construction of a global benchmark for the digital economy, actively strategize in key sectors of the digital economy, and comprehensively transform production methods, lifestyles and governance through digitization," Yin added. The Beijing mayor made the remarks ...
马来西亚数字经济发展局(Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation,MDEC)日前表示,将致力于通过促进企业数字化转型、人才培养、技术部署等举措,促进马来西亚在年底前实现(或超过)数字经济占GDP总值25.5%的目标。 2月20日消息,TEMU日前已正式在东南亚推出其首个半托管站点——菲律宾站。步入2025年,TEMU进一步加速了其半托管开站...
This rapid growth underscored China's increasing importance in the global economic landscape, driven by investments in infrastructure, manufacturing, and the digital economy. Europe, led by the economic powers of Germany, France, and the United Kingdom, also played a significant role in the global...