the GDP contribution is the same - it’s 1 trillion dollars. However,
South Korea's GDP reached 2057.45 trillion won in 2021 and 2150.58 trillion won in 2022, a year-on-year increase of 3.8%. However, based on the average exchange rate of Korean won to US dollars, it is equivalent to approximately US$1.66 trillion, a decrease of more than US$130 billion ...
the nominal gross domestic product (GDP) of Japan in 2023 was 591.482 trillion yen, approximately 4210.6 billion US dollars, lower than Germany's 4456.1 billion US dollars, falling to fourth place in the world and being overtaken by Germany. ...
GDPgrowthintheleadingindustrialandemergingcountries2ndquarter202352 2 CHAPTER01 Overview GrossdomesticproductoftheUnitedStatesfrom1990to2022(inbillion currentU.S.dollars) U.S.annualGDP1990-2022 30,000 s25,000 r a l l o d . S.20,000 U
Regional gross domestic product (GDP) in China varies tremendously across the country. In 2023, the GDP of Guangdong province amounted to around 13.6 trillion yuan, whereas that of Tibet only reached about 239 billion yuan. While Guangdong has a thriving economy and is densely populated, Tibet ...
国家统计局17日公布数据显示,初步核算,2023年全年国内生产总值比上年增长5.2%,超出了全年经济增长5%的目标。 The country's GDP reached a record of 126.06 trillion yuan(about 17.71 trillion U.S. dollars)in 2023, the NBS data ...
China growing at around 6.5% with an economy of 18 trillion equals around 1170 Billion dollars. 中国经济以6.5%左右的速度增长,经济总量达到18万亿美元,折合约1.17万亿美元。 If China grows at 6.5% today India would have to grow at a whopping32.5%to even match the growth in actual terms. ...
In 2023, the nominal gross domestic product (GDP) of the Chinese capital, Beijing, amounted to approximately 4.38 trillion yuan, compared to about 4.15 trillion yuan in the previous year.
exchange rate of Korean won to US dollars, it is equivalent to approximately US$1.66 trillion,...
由于中国GDP是以本国货币计价的,由于美元升值,折算成美元时,增加的部分会被美元升值所抵消。 2023年前三季度,中国以美元计算的GDP增速仅为0.5%。 The same situation applies to other countries. South Korea's GDP reached 2057.45 trillion won in 2021 and 2150.58 trillion won in 2022, a year-on-year in...