Maternal postprandial blood glucose levels and infant birth weight: The Diabetes in Early Pregnancy Study. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1991;164:103. 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 * 用于GDM的种类 推荐使用人胰岛素制剂(诺和灵):分子量大,不通过胎盘。 不宜使用...
GDM: insulin ceases immediately and blood glucose monitoring can stop. A fasting blood glucose test should be undertaken at 6 weeks The woman should be advised of the risk of developing diabetes in future pregnancies and the need for pre-pregnancy screening. informed of the importance of using c...
1. Songygard KM , et al Does exercise during pregnancy prevent postna 21、tal depression: a randomized controlled trial. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand,2021,91: 62-67.2. Hui A,Backl , et al Lifestyle intervention on diet and exercise reduced excessive gestational weight gain in pregnant women ...
GDM营养管理策略PPT课件 妊娠糖尿病的医学营养策略 南方医科大学珠江医院蔡德鸿教授 GDM膳食模式应满足 ❖1、孕期的营养需要 ①能量及产能营养素②微量营养素③进食能力 ❖2、GDM治疗需要 2 糖尿病膳食 总热量及营养素比例 •25-30kcal/kgIBW.d•CHO:PRO:FAT=50-60%:10-20%:30% 营养素构成•CHO—...
JovanovicLetal.Maternalpostprandialbloodglucoselevelsandinfantbirthweight:TheDiabetesinEarlyPregnancyStudy.AmJObstetGynecol.1991;164:103. GDM的确诊 75g葡萄糖耐量试验(oralglucosetolerancetest,OGTT): 实验前禁食8-12小时,先取空腹血测血糖,再用300毫升水+75克葡萄糖口服,服糖后1、2、3小时取血测血糖。
(145) 废除50gGCT筛查,直接行75gOGTT@24-28W,推行IADPSG标准—6th International Symposium on Diabetes In Pregnancy, Salzburg, Austria, 2011 孕前保健或早孕期排查 妊娠前糖尿病(PGDM) 建议所有非高危孕妇孕前保健或首诊查静脉空腹血糖(6th International Symposium on Diabetes in Pregnancy, Austria, March, 2011...
Insulin Safety in Pregnancy Aspart, Lispro, NPH, R, Lispro protamine all Category B and used in pregnancy All other insulins Category C Human Insulins-Least Immunogenic Breastfeed-All insulins considered safe Data from Package Inserts Gestational Diabetes-Management Fasting, pre-meal, 2-hour post...
,HAPO:高血糖与不良妊娠预后Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes,HAPO: Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes 背景:同糖尿病相比,妊娠期血糖升高对胎儿影响如何?此前的研究尚存在一定争议。 方法:HAPO研究主要观察了不同孕妇 5、血糖水平对母、儿结局的影响,总计9个国家(3个亚洲国家)15个医学中心的...
Diagnostic Criteria and Classification of Hyperglycaemia First Detected in Pregnancy,内容,诊断 不良结局 6、 妊娠期监测 咨询和治疗 特殊情况下的处理 GDM孕妇的产后随访,杨慧霞等,中华妇产科杂志,2014,49(8):561-9,新标准诊断更严格妊娠糖尿病患病率不断增加,杨慧霞等. 中华妇产科杂志. 2011;46(8):578-581...
该诊断标准的主要依据来自高血糖和不良妊娠结局(HAPO,the Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes)的研究结果,强调治疗轻度妊娠糖尿病也有助于减少母婴产科并发症的发生率。 * * 糖尿病女性妊娠前即应开始胰岛素治疗 现代的观点认为,几乎所有原来单纯饮食控制的糖尿病妇女妊娠期间都需要应用胰岛素 在计划妊娠前6周...