regulatory mechanism about glucose transport at the maternal–fetal interface, which inhibits excessive glucose transport to the fetus, reducing the adverse effects of the GDM intrauterine hyperglycemia environment on the fetus, and providing new intervention targets for improving the birth outcome of GDM...
Keywords: glycosylated hemoglobin; fasting blood glucose; cholesterol; gestational diabetes 妊娠期糖尿病(gestational diabetes mellitus, 示国内 GDM 发生率超过 5%,尤其对于高龄孕妇, GDM)是孕期常见代谢性并发症,是造成巨大儿, GDM 风险更高 [2].目前临床多采用口服葡萄糖耐 新生儿高胆红素血症等不良妊娠结局的...
On the first visit, women received diabetes education about glycemic targets and appropriate weight gain. Dietary training with a dietician, as well as guidance on self-monitoring, were carried out. The visits were more frequent when target glycemic values were higher for seven consecutive days (...