用pip安装Jupyter 作为现有或有经验的Python用户,您可能希望使用Python的包管理器pip而不是Anaconda 来...
I'm trying to perform cross platform remote debugging from my x86 computer to a remote ARM device. (ex: Beagle Bone Black) I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 and Eclipse CDT. I installed the packagegcc-arm-linux-gnueabihfbut the gdb debugger is not in that package. (http://packages.ubuntu.com/prec...
I'm trying to perform cross platform remote debugging from my x86 computer to a remote ARM device. (ex: Beagle Bone Black) I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 and Eclipse CDT. I installed the packagegcc-arm-linux-gnueabihfbut the gdb debugger is not in that package. (http://packages.ubuntu.com/prec...
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15399265/how-do-i-load-gdbinit-on-gdb-startup https://askubuntu.com/questions/513626/cannot-compile-gdb7-8-with-python-support **About gdb-multiarch packaged for AttifyOS sourceware.org/gdb/ Resources Readme Activity Custom properties Stars 0 stars ...
Thank you very much in advance. Warmest Regards, Suryadi Hi user! We appreciate your question, we will give you a feedback shortly. Regards. FAILED Pengcheng Created 2021-05-13 02:53:24 (0)(0)2# hi, If you use Ubuntu, try "sudo apt install gdb-multiarch". ...
sudo apt-get install gdb-multiarchon my Ubuntu system. I tried it out just with commandline first, and it works like a charm: gdb-multiarch --eval-command="target remote" Now though, I want to use gdb-multiarch as the debugger binary for gdbgui ...
主要是说,在Ubuntu14.04 64bit的操作系统上,配置Qt的gdb和gcc的时候,在Qt build&run选项中,debugger中选中arm-linux-gnuabihf-gdb出现了32bit不兼容的情况,于是无法远程调试debug,只能运行。后来在Stack Overflowgdb-multiarch,字面上理解好像是支持多个架构!然后尝试用apt-get install gdb-multiarch,然后居然成功了,...