有时,可能STM32CubeIDE会报错,如下图FailedtostartGDBserver。而且点击Details也只能得知“ST-LINK初始化失败”,建议你检查线缆。我看了一些CSDN 墨髯啊2023-02-01 22:57:23 STM32F042k6上的BOOT引脚和SWD编程,无法在CubeIDE或ST-Link Utilities中识别怎么解决?
Connecting to E2LITE, ARM target GDBServer endian : little Target power from emulator : Off Starting target connection GDB action 'connect to target', has failed with error report, Error 0x00030806: First communications connection with the target MCU cannot be made...
In the Debugger settings I've changed the debugger to the specific path. The gdb does not start with following error message: Could not determine GDB version using command: gdb --version. When a local console is opened in e2 studio the command is workingC:\Renesas\RA\e2stu...
《Oracle Solaris Studio 12.2:使用 dbx 调试程序》(821-2506-10):本书的目标读者是要使用 dbx 命令行调试工具调试应用程序的程序员。读者需要具备 Fortran、C、C++ 或 Java 的应用知识,并对 Oracle Solaris 操作系统或 Linux 操作系统及 UNIX 命令有一定的了解。
Heh, looks like LLDB is also notquitestandard-compliant in how it works (it's only supposed to sendQStartNoAckModeafter seeing that a response toqSupportedadvertises that the server does in fact support this, which my implementation currently doesn't). So I've opened an issueon their side...