set remote hostio-open-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `vFile:open'(hostio-open) packetsetremote hostio-pread-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `vFile:pread' (hostio-pread) packet set remote hostio-pwrite-packet -- Set use of remote protocol `vFile:pwrite'(hostio-pwrite) p...
到目前为止,GDB也经历了两个大的规范版本9和10,由于现在主要使用10,所以不对9进行展开。 文件命名格式为a[number in lowercase hex].[extension], a00000001 是第一个文件, a00000002是第二个文件,且数字可能被跳过。 在FileGDB v10中,前8个文件 (a00000001 to a00000008) 是固定不变的内置文件,被预留来保...
If the file entry contains a valid.gdbextension, the upper part of the wizard page shows the layers available to import. These are the available columns in the FileGDB inspector: Layer—The name of the layer. Check the check box to import the layer. ...
C的launch.json {"version":"0.2.0","configurations":[{"name":"(gdb) Launch","type":"cppdbg","request":"launch","program":"${fileDirname}/${fileBasenameNoExtension}.exe","args":[],"stopAtEntry":false,"cwd":"${workspaceFolder}","environment":[],"externalConsole":true,"MIMode":"gd...
1、注意使用gdb时,最好带上-g参数编译可执行文件。否则出现(No debugging symbols found in a.out) gcc -g main.c -o a.out 1. 2、查看命令行可带参数帮助 gdb --help 1. 3、查看命令行可使用命令及详情 (gdb) help all //查看所有命令
python gdb extension在gdb的环境下提供了如下几个py-*命令 py-list查看当前python应用程序上下文 py-bt查看当前python应用程序调用堆栈 py-bt-full查看当前python应用程序调用堆栈,并且显示每个frame的详细情况 py-print查看python变量 py-locals查看当前的scope的变量 ...
("%s/myplugin" % pluginpath) if peda_is_enabled: __file__ = "%s/peda/" % pluginpath gdb.execute("source %s/peda/" % pluginpath) if pwngdb_is_enabled: sys.path.insert(0, "%s/Pwngdb/angelheap" % pluginpath) gdb.execute("source %s/Pwngdb/" % plugin...
{"type":"shell","label":"gcc build active file","command":"/usr/share/mips-gcc-4.6/staging_dir/bin/mips-linux-gcc","args": ["-g","${file}","-o","${fileDirname}/${fileBasenameNoExtension}"],"options": {"cwd":"/usr/bin"},"problemMatcher": ["$gcc"] ...
(gdb) break os_time Breakpoint 1 at 0x42c9fe: file loslib.c, line 324. run examples/dbg.lua (gdb) run examples/dbg.lua Starting program: /usr/local/bin/lua examples/dbg.lua Breakpoint 1, os_time (L=0x64b9c8) at loslib.c:324 324 static int os_time (lua_State *L) { ...
CUDA-GDB is an extension to GDB, the GNU Project debugger. The tool provides developers with a mechanism for debugging CUDA applications running on actual hardware. This enables developers to debug ap- plications without the potential variations introduced by simulation and emulation environments. 3 ...