ERROR: Unable to start debugging. Unexpected GDB output from command "-exec-run". Error creating process /cygdrive/d/C C++/a.exe, (error 193). The program has exited with code 42 (0x0000002a). what should i do? Thank you very much My test is very easy: int main() { int a, b...
=cmd-param-changed,param="pagination",value="off" 1: (985) <-1013-exec-run 1: (990) ->1013^error,msg="Error creating process /usr/bin/C:\\\Checked_Out\\\PIC_Drivers\\\LIN_Master_Slave/C:\\Checked_Out\\PIC_Drivers\\LIN_Master_Slave/test_ceedling/build/test/out/foo.out, (error...
[Inferior 1 (process 2411) detached] 然后再退出 GDB:(gdb) quit ⑶调试core文件 有时候,服务器程序运行一段时间后会突然崩溃,这并不是我们希望看到的,需要解决这个问题。只要程序在崩溃的时候有 core 文件产生,就可以使用这个 core 文件来定位崩溃的原因。当然,Linux 系统默认是不开启程序崩溃产生 core 文件这...
IDE name and version:Clion 2020.1 Operating system:Windows 11 Problem description com.jetbrains.cidr.execution.debugger.backend.gdb.GDBDriver$GDBCommandException: Error creating process ...guessing_game.exe, (error 50) Steps to reproduce Cargo new guessing_game Debug Shift + F9 C:\MyRustProjects\g...
Light Weight Process轻量级进程),即是我们所说的线程。 怎么知道线程哪个线程是主线程,现在有 4 个线程,也就有 4 个调用堆栈,如果此时输入 backtrace 命令查看调用堆栈,由于当前 GDB 作用在线程 1,因此 backtrace 命令显示的一定是线程 1 的调用堆栈: (gdb) bt#0 0x00007ffff7d3410f in epoll_wait (epfd=...
-return-child-result The return code from gdb will be the return code from the child process (the process being debugged), with the following exceptions: • gdb exits abnormally. E.g., due to an incorrect argument or an internal error. In this case the exit code is the same as it ...
- Error Recovery: CONFIG_NET_RETRY_COUNT This variable defines the number of retries for network operations like ARP, RARP, TFTP, or BOOTP before giving up the operation. If not defined, a default value of 5 is used. CONFIG_ARP_TIMEOUT ...
joe_anderson2 · 193 weeks and 4 days ago man 1sgreat joe_anderson2 · 193 weeks and 4 days ago Amazing information. I really love this amazing information. I really want to have your services. By the way, please visit my website to know more about our affordabl...
基因编辑技术是以特异性改变遗传物质靶向序列为目标的技术。近年来,锌指核酸酶(zinc finger nuclease, ZFN)、类转录激活因子效应核酸酶(transcription activator-like effector nuclease, TALEN)、规律成簇的间隔短回文重复(regular clustering of short palindrome repeats, CRISPR)和单碱基编辑(base editing, BE)技术的相...