No symbol table is loaded. Use the "file" command. (gdb) file a.out A program is being debugged already. Are you sure you want to change the file? (y or n) y Reading symbols from /home/fuzk/tools/gdb/gdb-6.8/_install/bin/a.out...done. (gdb) b main Breakpoint 1 at 0x846...
(gdb) run -ld ./ //带参数运行程序(myls) The program being debugged has been started already. Start it from the beginning? (y or n) y //当然yes Starting program: /home/luck/codes/12.21/myls -ld ./ longlist 1, typelist 0, dirlist 1, filename ./ Breakpoint 1, finalprt (file=...
No symbol tableisloaded. Use the"file"command. (gdb) file a.outA programisbeing debugged already. Are you sure you want to change the file?(y or n) y Reading symbols from/home/fuzk/tools/gdb/gdb-6.8/_install/bin/a.out...done. (gdb) b main Breakpoint1at0x846c: file test.c, ...
(gdb) file /home/payne/hello/a.out A program is being debugged already. Are you sure you want to change the file? (y or n) y Reading symbols from /home/payne/hello/a.out...done. (gdb) bt #0 0x0000000000400534 in fun1 () at hello.cpp:6 #1 0x000000000040054c in main () at ...
(gdb) file fooAprogram is being debugged already. Are you sure you wanttochange the file? (yor n)yAprogram is being debugged already. Load newsymboltablefrom"foo"? (yor n)yReading symbolsfromfoo...done. Error in re-setting breakpoint1: Cannot access memory at address0x274b ...
The program being debugged has been started already. Start it from the beginning? (y or n) y Starting program: /home/eit/c_test/test open file:hello.txt 3 写入的长度:22 写入文本内容:helo!I'm liujiangyong 读取长度:12 文本内容是:helo!I'm liu ...
A program is being debugged already.Are you sure you want to change the file? (y or n) yReading symbols from F:/GitCode/MCU_HS6621C1/hs6621c/project/hqma01_dvr/_build/TBOX_APP_X_R1.axf...warning: Loadable section "VECTOR_RAM" outside of ELF segmentswarning: Loadable section "...
(gdb) file a.out A program is being debugged already. Are you sure you want to change the file? (y or n) y Reading symbols from /home/fuzk/tools/gdb/gdb-6.8/_install/bin/a.out...done. (gdb) b main Breakpoint 1 at 0x846c: file test.c, line 11. (gdb) c Continuing. ...
(gdb) r The program being debugged has been started already. Start it from the beginning? (y or n) y Starting program: /home/eit/c_test/test open file:hello.txt 3 写入的长度:22 写入文本内容:helo!I'm liujiangyong 读取长度:12 文本内容是:helo!I'm liu [Inferior 1 (process 19987) ...
(gdb) r The program being debugged has been started already. Start it from the beginning? (y or n) yes Starting program: /home/lqf/0voice/gdb/redis-4.0.11/src/redis-server ⑵continue 命令 当GDB 触发断点或者使用 Ctrl + C 命令中断下来后,想让程序继续运行,只要输入 continue 命令即可(简写...