免费查询更多gd32f450 pdr_on管脚详细参数、实时报价、行情走势、优质商品批发/供应信息等,您还可以发布询价信息。
PDR_ON H3 143 - - P - Default: PDR_ON VDD C4 144 100 64 P - Default: VDD Notes: 1.Type: I = input, O = output, P = power. 2.I/O Level: 5VT = 5 V tolerant.ARM® Cortex®-M4 coreThe ARM® Cortex®-M4 processor is a high performance embedded processor with DSP...
Power-on reset (POR) and power-down reset (PDR) are always active, and ensures proper operation starting from 2.4 V and down to 1.8V. The device remains in reset mode when VDD is below a specified threshold. The embedded low voltage detector (LVD) monitors the power supply, compares it...
processorcoreandperipheralIPcomponents.Power-onreset(POR)andpower-downreset (PDR)arealwaysactive,andensuresproperoperationstartingfrom/downto2.6V.The deviceremainsinresetmodewhenVDDisbelowaspecifiedthreshold.Theembeddedlow voltagedetector(LVD)monitorsthepowersupply,comparesittothevoltagethresholdand generatesaninterr...
(RNG_DTR)915 19 GD32F20X User Manual List of Figures Figure 1-1 Cortex™-M3 block diagram 34 Figure 1-2 GD32F20x Connectivity line series system architecture 35 Figure 1-3 GD32F20x memory map 37 Figure 2-1 Power supply overview 44 Figure 2-2 Waveform of the POR/PDR 46 Figure 2...
TIMER0_CH1_ON, EXMC_NBL1, DCI_D3, EVENTOUT VSS D5 P - Default: VSS PDR_ON C6 P - Default: PDR_ON VDD C5 P - Default: VDD Default: PI4 PI4 D4 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER7_BRKIN, EXMC_NBL2, DCI_D5, EVENTOUT Default: PI5 PI5 C4 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER7_CH0, EXMC_NB...
Power-on reset (POR) and power-down reset (PDR) are always active, and ensures proper operation starting from/down to 2.6 V. The device remains in reset mode when VDD is below a specified threshold. The embedded low voltage detector (LVD) monitors the power supply, compares it to the ...
32.768 KHz crystal oscillator Integrated system clock PLL 1.8 to 3.6 V application supply and I/Os Supply Supervisor: POR (Power On Reset), PDR (Power Down Reset), and low voltage detector (LVD) The Clock Control Unit (CCU) provides a range of oscillator and clock functions...
提供LED on/off接口 #defineDRV_LED1GPIOC,GPIO_PIN_0#defineDRV_LED2GPIOC,GPIO_PIN_2#defineDRV_LED3GPIOE,GPIO_PIN_0#defineDRV_LED4GPIOE,GPIO_PIN_1#defineDRV_LED_On(led) GPIO_SetBits(led);#defineDRV_LED_Off(led) GPIO_ResetBits(led);externvoidDRV_LED_Init(void); ...
Level+Acro version of H8 mini firmware. Contribute to silver13/h8mini-dual development by creating an account on GitHub.