GD&T Questions It is usually necessary to control datum features on the drawing in order to control a. Runout, Orientation and Form b. Runout, Orientation and Location c. Form,Orientation and Location d. Runout, Form and Location
使用平面还是圆柱体? 我应当从圆柱形零件的整个表面(平面)上取点,还是应当只检查表面(使用平面上的小平面) 取决于我如何检查零件,不同的结果不断出现。 回答: 许多几何 尺寸和公差测量 (GD&T) 计算是基于特征的尺寸,因此特征尺寸对计算有着很大影响。 当没有键入特征长度时,那么软件使用所测得的点来确定计算值...
Educating our designers in GD&T will take years. In the end, it will be worth it, but todaypeople say it's not worth the schedule slip (i.e. its more trouble than its worth) forone-of-a-kind items. I can't come up with a good argument to refute the short term schedule, one...
GD&T GeometricDimensioningandTolerancing (几何尺寸和公差) 练习答案 奥曼克公司OmnexInc. Copyright2006Omnex.Allrightsreserved2 Exercises#1(练习#1) Chapter#2GD&TSymbolsandTerms(GD&T符号和术语) Questions(RefertofigureinFigure1)问题(参照图1) Copyright2006Omnex.Allrightsreserved3 Exercises#1(练习#1) Chapter#...
GD&T应用1-2-3规则The GD&T Hierarchy 形体4个主要特性控制The Control of the 4 main characteristics of feature 形体控制工具选择次序Feature Control Tools Selection Precedence 重点和习题Objectives & Problems 第二章:GD&T符号、术语、概念、规则(GD&T Symbols, Terms, Concepts & Rules) ...
GD&T应用1-2-3规则The GD&T Hierarchy 形体4个主要特性控制The Control of the 4 main characteristics of feature 形体控制工具选择次序Feature Control Tools Selection Precedence 重点和习题Objectives & Problems 第二章:GD&T符号、术语、概念、规则(GD&T Symbols, Terms, Concepts & Rules) ...
Experts in GD&T training and consulting, we offer in-person, webinar, and online training for engineers learning Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing
Fortunately, the answer to these questions is often "yes." However, as tolerance specifications become tighter, more and more parts are in the borderline area between conforming and non-conforming. This paper will discuss some cases where the interpretation of the tolerance specification will ...
Get Inventor + AutoCAD + Autodesk Fusion + more—Professional-grade tools for product development and manufacturing planning. Product details Cloud-based 3D CAD/CAM/CAE software for product design Product details Frequently asked questions (FAQ) on GD&T...