E-(Hu)(08)-05544 人肿瘤特异生长因子/肿瘤相关因子(TGSF)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Tumor Specific Growth Facter/tumor supplied group of factor,TGSF ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48TE-(Hu)(08)-05545 人色素上皮衍生因子(PEDF)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: pigment epithelium-derived factor,...
Enormous number of Hematopoietic growth factors like CSF, GCSF, and GMCSF have been cloned, purified and produced in E.coli. Recombinant human GCSF is a Hematopoietic growth factor, extensively used in Cancer therapy to treat Neutropenia and to combat infections, immune suppression, anti-inflammatory...
[31] Verma N, Kaur A, Sharma R, et al. Outcomes after multiple courses of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor and growth hormone in decompensated cirrhosis: A randomized trial. Hepatology, 2018,68:1559-1573. [32] ...
本研究发现,使用CSF治疗, 三组患者均能有效提升白细胞,在WBC恢复正常 参考文献: factor: E1]RobinsonBE,QuesenberryPJ.Hematopoieticgrowth 天数上GM组(8.68±2.47)天明显长于G组(6.07 AmMed Overviewandclinical llI J Sci, applications[J1.Part ±1.58)天和G/GM组(6.91±1.94)天,PO.05。1990,300(5):311-...
担塾鱼£曲动盎銮盟 G.CSF动员外周血千细胞过程中SDF-1和HGF的动态变化 背景和目的: 研究生 导师 孟祥瑞 宋永平 郑州大学第一附属医院血液科 河南郑州450052 摘要 造血干细胞移植(HSCT)是临床治疗恶性血液病、自身免疫病、 再生障碍性贫血及实体瘤的重要手段,外周血造血干细胞移植 fPBSCT)I圜其植入效率高、干...
Human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (GCSF) is a well-known cytokine for neutropenia treatment. However, daily injections are required due to the short circulating half-life of the protein. To overcome this bottleneck, we fused GCSF with the Fc domain of IgG1 at the C terminus (GCSF-Fc...
report the crystal structure of the cytokine granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (GCSF) with the main ligand-binding domain of the GCSF receptor. GCSF is related to growth hormone and erythropoietin, and when the latter molecules bind their receptors, one cytokine molecule interacts with two ...
[’IE-2 Abstract Mobilizationof hematopoietic stemand progenitor cells fromthebone marrowintothecirculation byrepetitive,daily stimulation with Granulocyte colony-stimulatingfactor(G—cso is widely usedfor clinical transplantation. Althoughadequate CD34+cellswerecollectedfora majority of patientsby G—CSF,some...