2024年6月考季,剑桥国际AS & A Level,剑桥AICE,剑桥IPQ,剑桥IGCSE/O Level以及剑桥ICE成绩放榜时间为北京时间8月13日(周二)13:00。 成绩查询方式 https://myresults.cie.org.uk/cie-candidate-results/login ②Edexcel考试局 ...
Today's the day! GCSE Results Day is Thursday 22nd August 2024. This is when you’ll be able to get your results and found out those all-important grades. Let's run down everything you need to know for the big day and what happens next. ...
What can teachers do to support students who miss their grades on GCSE results day? Here’s a checklist of the options you can offer them
Hot on the heels of a fantastic A-Level results day, we are delighted to announce that our year 11s have achieved an outstanding set of GCSE results. –93.6% pass rate (higher than the national average at 67.8%) –Over half of all grades are 9 –7 (higher than the national average a...
However, it has been reported that boys couldclose the gap for top grades even furtherin this year’s A-level results. Girls’ mental health Severalstudieshave found that girls’ mental wellbeing has beendisproportionately impacted by the pandemiccompared with boys’. ...
对于马上要出分的Results Day你们准备好了嘛? 2024夏季A-level&GCSE出分在即! 又到了 送波限定神秘东方力量时刻了, 高分好运立即生效!! 轻舟已过万重山, 你的A*易如反掌! CA出品的锦鲤贴, 大家纷纷表示非常的灵验!! 看看以...
对于马上要出分的Results Day你们准备好了嘛? 2024夏季A-level&GCSE出分在即! 又到了 送波限定神秘东方力量时刻了, 高分好运立即生效!! 轻舟已过万重山, 你的A*易如反掌! 出品的锦鲤贴, 大家纷纷表示非常的灵验!! 看看以往...