Prokaryotic cell(原核细胞):指没有核膜且不进行有丝分裂、减数分裂、无丝分裂的细胞。 Specialised cells(特化细胞):执行特定功能的细胞。 Stem cell(干细胞):一种未分化的细胞,可以通过分裂产生许多同种类型的特化细胞。 Surface area(表面积):物体与环境的接触量。 The cell cycle(细胞周期):为细胞分裂做准备...
9.treatment of gonorrhoea 10.maria VS sickle cell anaemia 11. codominant (ABO blood type) 12. the process of making insulin from Gene-modified bacteria 13. Natural selection 能够解释这类现象,并理解相关概念 GCSE物理学考点 GCSE化学考点 考试官建议 我们经验丰富的考试官提出:在理工科考试中,关键考试...
Read the instructions on the Answer Sheet very carefully.Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer. Any rough working should be done in this booklet. Electronic calculators may be used.w w w .X t r e m e P a p e r s .c o m ...
NA is a neurotransmitter released from sympathetic nerve endings that activate α1-adrenoceptors on the cell membrane of vascular smooth muscle to produce vasoconstriction, and activates β2-adrenoceptors to produce vasodilation. In in vitro experiments, both the neuronal uptake and the nonneuronal ...
1 the 2 be 3 and 4 a 5 of 6 to 7 in 8 i 9 you 10 it 11 have 12 to 13 that 14 for 15 do 16 he 17 with 18 on 19 this 20 n't 21 we 22 that 23 not 24 but 25 they 26 say 27 at 28 what 29 his 30 from 31 go 32 or 33 by 34 get 35 she 36 my 37 can 38 ...
alter the equilibrium concentration改变平衡时的浓度 alumina氧化铝,矾土 amide酰胺 amino acid氨基酸自然存在的有机物,分子中既具有—NH2又具有—COOH。自然界20种不同的氨基酸,在细胞中聚合形成蛋白质。 ammonia氨 amorphous无定形的 Amphotercic hydroxide两性的氢氧化物既能够和酸反应也能和碱发生反应生成盐。例如Zn...
c.adaptations and functions of red blood cell d. adaptations of functions of lymphocyte and phagocyte e. bad effects of smoking f.functions of platelets g. cardiac cycle等 7.遗传、变异和进化 1. sexual reproduction vs asexual reproduction