The national average marks for the "structure" question on the AQA English language paper was 3/8. What do we expect 12-year-olds to actually get out of answering this question, really? Endlessly going over this paper will not instil a lifelong love of English in our students – ...
Question and Answer Flashcard Questions for populating your own Quick Quiz Revision Cards Multiple choice quiz to test you on key knowledge recall – With Answers Practice exam questions with mark schemes Can be used to structure revision sessions in class or through independent study. ...
GCSE (9-1) English Language EXEMPLARS Paper 1: Fiction and Imaginative Writing GCSE Language 2015 Student exemplar responses for Paper 1: Fiction and Imaginative Writing Contents Introduction Paper 1: Section A - Reading Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Paper 1: Section B – ...
I always ask my students a question that annoys the life of them, whatever we are reading. An example is Macbeth! I ask WHY Lady Macbeth is so manipulative. They give me an answer and I reply with WHY? So they give me a deeper answer and I ask WHY? again. After about 4 or 5...
Poetry and prose texts – one essay question based on any two poetry or prose texts, including a commentary on why these texts were selected. Imaginative writing based on stimulus discussed during the course. GCSE English Language A Aims • Read a wide range of texts fluently and with good...
The instructions to students are in English. Character counts are specified for each question. Students must answer all questions. Foundation tier There are three open-response questions and one translation into Chinese. Higher tier There are two open-response questions and one translation into ...
For aCyou need to structure your answer to the question, use details effectively to back up your ideas and make some appropriate comment on the meaning of the texts. For aDyou need to answer the question and explain your ideas with some supporting quotations from the text....
“Your GCSE maths program has had a big impact on my revision for the better. You have made everything really simple to understand while still keeping all the necessary information. This is vital to my revision as I can quickly understand the key concept of that type of question and then ...
Multimedia and individualised learning in GCSE English Literature. This research aimed to provide insight into the use and possible value of purpose built multimedia computer software for the study of English Literature. The software in question was developed in light of many years practical experience...
Well, actually, it hasn’t changed for the students. If they need another go in June, they can take it again. But, for the school’s performance measures, it’s now a question of making a tactical decision: stick to November, to use the S&L or go for June and teach them all for...