人物与对比 It’s important to think about how characters change and interact with each other, as this could suggest some important themes or ideas in the text. The writer may use language to encourage the reader to respond to a character in a certain way.思考人物的变化和相互之间的互动是很...
That is only my opinion, of course, but so many things go wrong with creative writing in exams. Let me tell you a true story. Sarah was one of my students. She worried like mad at the beginning of the year. She was an adult student. She had not got that elusive C grade but wa...
Characterisation is the way writers create characters and make them believable. When writing about texts, it is easy to treat characters as real people. Try to remember that the author is creating characters using language. 角色定位是作家创造角色并使其可信的方式。在写文本时,很容易把人物当作真实的...
The central idea of trying to be protected from something is clear at the start, but the story tries to do too much and the complex ideas lose focus and direction, e.g. the dog, the brother Mikey and how young he is, the aggressive birds, the loss of the parents who have been...
《The Art of Writing English Literature Essays: For GCSE》 BY Neil Bowen 同学们通过这本书,可以练习书写essay的技巧(不再生搬硬套而是更生动形象)。 TIPS:英语文学的考试主题几乎围绕着各种书籍,比如莎士比亚的作品集,学生想要在...
I was knocked aside in the stampede to “panic”. “OK, what about talking about the feelings of a made-up character in a story?” There was a slow shuffle back towards “stretch”. There lies the power of English: the opportunity for vicarious experience, to stand in someone else’s ...
The Story of Transfinite Research Transfinite Research was founded in 1997 by Dr Tim Price, a former Oxford research scientist and full-time Mathematics teacher with 25 years' experience in the classroom, in response to the lack of high-quality Maths educational software on the market. He began...
Structure can refer to the order of words and ideas within:结构可以指词语和思想在其中的顺序。a sentencea paragraphan extracta whole text一句话一个段落一段摘录整篇文章 Think about the effect the structure creates; remember to focus on how the reader responds to the structure of the text. ...
Read carefully through the GCSE English specifications for a number of major exam boards and the common threads become obvious, even where individual papers have different titles like "Communicating Information and Ideas"or "Non-fiction and Transactional Writing".There is a shared concern to encourage...
Click the card to flip it 👆 1 / 51 Created by ella_scammell Students also studied Textbook solutions Flashcard sets Study guides The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric 2nd Edition•ISBN: 9780312676506Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses ...