• Section A (30 marks) 6-8 short – answer questions on the extracts from the play • Section B (25 marks) Two extended response questions on the extracts from the play (One compulsory question and one question from a choice of two). • Section C (25 marks) Two extended response...
我们知道Aluminium foil具有shiny surface,所以它可以将heat反射回屋内,从而达到减少热量损耗的目的。对比刚刚的分析以及mark scheme,这个5分的题我们是不是就拿到手里了。 GCSE物理热学部分容易失分的知识点有哪些?通过上面对GCSE物理热学的conduction(热传导)、convection(热对流)和radiation(热辐射)三部分的失分知识点...
牛津物理系今年招生中恢复使用疫情之前的R-score,今年入围面试的主要决定因素是R-score,因为它包含了GCSE的组成部分,计算公式:R-score pre-interview = PAT mark + 10 x cGCSE ps:2021年和2022年使用的是C-score,计算公式C-score pre-interview = PAT...
Careers advisors - they are trained professionals and can prepare you to help you with your career plans and GCSE choices, as well as answer any questions you may have. Parents - although they might not understand the new points system etc. they are the people that know you best and can ...
本文干货满满,一定要Mark住啊! GCSE数学考点分析 GCSE生物学考点 1. 细胞生物学 理解基础概念,一般出现在选择题 a.一定要背diffusion,osmosis和active transport的定义 · Movement in and out of cells b.考题一般和其他章节一起考。 比如植物根如何吸收水(osmosis),吸收无机盐 ...
I’ve been able to achieve phenomenal results for my GCSEs, a 9 in Chemistry, an 8 in Biology (I was two marks off a 9) and an 8 in Physics. I am incredibly grateful for all the video content, exam questions, tests and tips that you have. Thank you!!August 2023 ...
GCSE maths topics in the first five questions: foundation paper The first five questions of Edexcel Foundation papers consist mainly of one-mark standard procedural questions. They’re designed to ease students into the paper, as well as testing key skills in a simple manner. Many of the topics...
They explain the rubric of exam questions and mark schemes, walking students through the exam question and its potential pitfalls, and what the examiner wants to see. These teaching resources are just like a teacher working one on one with a pupil and guiding them through each question. The ...
SPECIMENMATERIAL GCSE PHYSICS FoundationTierPaper1F Specimen2018Timeallowed:1hour45minutes Materials Forthispaperyoumusthave: aruler acalculator thePhysicsEquationSheet(enclosed). Instructions Answerallquestionsinthespacesprovided. Doallroughworkinthisbook.Crossthroughanyworkyoudonotwanttobemarked. Information The...
Ungraded – The lowest possible mark, and just like the old system, a U represents a fail Why was the GCSE grading system changed? The new GCSE grading system was introduced to differentiate among the highest-achieving students. Along with changes in grading, some of the questions have become...