Past exam papers and mark schemes for AQA, CIE, Edexcel, OCR and WJEC English Language GCSEs and IGCSEs
12th June – Language Paper 2 The Literature papers are what they are; combinations of the three texts you studied, such as Macbeth for the Shakespeare, A Christmas Carol for the 19th Century text and An Inspector Calls, for the modern text (play). You may have your own variations and as...
Maths, English language and English literature were the first subjects to adopt this new grading system. By 2020, all subjects used the new grading system. Compared to the old system, the new numerical system allows more differentiation among the higher grades. Grades 4-6 cover grades B and ...
There are also exemplars for GCSE English Language Paper 2 and GCSE English Literature available to download from our website. Section A questions address three Reading Assessment Objectives: AO1, AO2 and AO4. Reading – 50% AO1 AO2 AO4 ● Identify and interpret explicit and implicit ...
• English - most students will study World Literature and English Language, equivalent to 2 GCSEs. Some students will complete the English as a Second Language IGCSE qualification, where appropriate • Global Perspectives GCSE course (optional) • PSHE (personal, social and health education) ...
Seb is celebrating scoring a 9, five 8s and three 7s in his nine GCSEs, and will now take A-levels in psychology, business, history and English literature. He received a life-saving stem cell transplant in 2018 but his immune system was wiped out a...
The paper 2 directions state that in this section Free Short story Essay Writing 632 Words 3 Pages Satisfactory Essays Read More As English Short Stories Summary UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS AS LITERATURE IN ENGLISH: SYLLABUS 9695 NOTES FOR TEACHERS ON STORIES SET FOR ...
Tiering: according to Ofqual, tiering will only be used for subjects ‘where untiered papers will not allow students at the lower end of the ability range to demonstrate their knowledge and skills, or will not stretch the most able’. English literature and English language will be untiered....