1. GCSE maths topic: Number Key topics Context-rich work on four operations and calculation skills, including basic arithmetic, fractions, decimals and negative numbers, order of operations. Real-life contexts including bank accounts, utility bills, wage increases, recipes, and best-buys. Procedur...
5 个科目的 GCSE 成绩(4 分或以上),也是大多数英国工作的最低要求。 通常,英国顶尖私校的学生平均会学习11-12 门 GCSE 或 IGCSE 科目。 目前英国顶尖私校Year10(10年级)在校生课表 何时选课? 在英国,这往往发生在 Year9(9年级)的春季学期,即学生满 14 岁的学年。 在英国教育系统的Key stage 3,(关键阶段 ...
6 如何选择GCSE&IGCSE科目 如果学生在英国的公立或私立学校就读,那么Key stage 4(关键阶段 4),即Year10-11(10 年级和 11 年级)的以下科目是必修课: * English (英文语言是所有学校的必修课,但大多数学校也将英文文学列为必修课。) * Maths * ...
如果学生在英国的公立或私立学校就读,那么Key stage 4(关键阶段 4),即Year10-11(10 年级和 11 年级)的以下科目是必修课: * English (英文语言是所有学校的必修课,但大多数学校也将英文文学列为必修课。)* Maths * Science 以上科目通常被称为“核心”科目。
Our GCSE maths tuition programme is designed specifically for Year 10 and 11 students in secondary schools and academies who are struggling with maths or lacking in confidence. And because they receive the maths tuition online, it’s both convenient and affordable. As a DfE-approved tuition partne...
学到的内容包容:代数、比例、几何、概率、统计等。GCSE要考三份试卷,每一份一个半小时,一份是不能用计算器的试卷,另外两份是可以用计算器的试卷。有的学校还有Further Maths的课程供选择,就是数学课程的延申,更难一些,为A Level数学和高等数学课程打基础的。
Traineeships help prepare you for work and last up to six months. They offer maths and English training together with work experience to boost your skills and put you in a better position to get an apprenticeship or job. You can find a traineeship on GOV.UK. Not Going to Uni has more...
As for me, I'm considering taking both Maths and Further Maths at A Level starting from year 12." At Harrow Beijing, students begin their two-year GCSE or IGCSE studies in Years 10 and 11. At the same time, the school offers a three-year A Level program for students who join Harrow...
The results only for 16-year-old candidates saw 71.2 per cent of entries awarded grade 4 or above - very slightly down from 71.6 per cent last year. The percentage of students achieving the grade they need to pass in maths (4) has fallen this year to 59.6 per cent. Last year, 61 pe...