Factorising maths revision guide: how to factorise expressions, single brackets, double brackets, difference of two squares. Free exam questions & worksheets.
In GCSE Maths there are two main types of equations that we need to solve: linear equations and quadratic equations. Methods of solving each are provided below. Explain how to solve equations Solving equations methods Within solving equations, you will find lessons on linear equations and quadratic...
Numberphile Numberphile网站提供很多数学家制作的有趣的数学视频。 https://www.numberphile.com/ Online Lectures 一些来自牛津大学的数学讲座,内容可能超出了GCSE数学的大纲范围,适合那些数学基础好,想挑战能力的学生。 https://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/study-here/prospective-undergraduates-old/outreach/online-lectures G...
This will always be Maths and English, but then maybe a combination of Sciences depending on the school and probably your Key Stage 3 or Year 9 results. Some schools may insist on a language, such as French, German or Spanish. Check this at the start. One other area of restrictions may...
http://mrbartonmaths.com/students/ Numberphile Numberphile网站提供很多数学家制作的有趣的数学视频。 https://www.numberphile.com/ Online Lectures 一些来自牛津大学的数学讲座,内容可能超出了GCSE数学的大纲范围,适合那些数学基础好,想挑战能力的学生。
http://mrbartonmaths.com/students/ Numberphile Numberphile网站提供很多数学家制作的有趣的数学视频。 https://www.numberphile.com/ Online Lectures 一些来自牛津大学的数学讲座,内容可能超出了GCSE数学的大纲范围,适合那些数学基础好,想挑战能力的学生。
3. Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures Online https://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/events/public-lectures-events 牛津数学公开讲座是一个可以让任何对该学科感兴趣的人都能看到最优秀数学家的网站,不仅是课本里的知识,课本外同学们好奇的数学知识点,...
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