图片来自:physics&Maths Tutor官网 这个网站包含了大多数主流学科和五个考试局的pastpaper(IG、A-Level都有) 网站地址:www.physicsandmathstutor.com 图片来自:physics&Maths Tutor官网 ✍PapaCambridge 这里有全科每届的pastpaper和markscheme,...
做试卷或真题练习最重要的就是评分计划(mark scheme),科学考试很多题目都是重复的,只是提问方式不同。尤其是化学,术语和措辞的使用很重要。比如,混淆离子和原子可能会搞砸整个题目,评分方案能够帮你总结科学术语。 回顾真题时一定要看第一次做错的题目,这样你就能够记住自己犯过的错,也就不太可能犯同样的错误了。
GCSE MARKING SCHEME2009 Summer Paper 1 (Non calculator) Foundation Tier1. (a) (i) 8204(ii) Four million six hundred thousandOR Four point six million(b) 174(c) (i) 8730(ii) 8700(d) 600 OR six hundred(e) 1, 15, 3, 5
GCSE foundation maths has a lot more topics than the functional skills does. But if she is good at all the basic arithmetic operations, fractions, percentages, problem solving with word questions etc, she could pick up a fairly decent number of marks on GCSE even without some of the algebra...
这里有全科每届的pastpaper和markscheme,有很多考试局,从卷子到答案都是很官方的文件,而且更新速度很快。 适合A-Level学习网站 Physics&Maths Tutor http://www.physicsandmathstutor.com 在这个网站可以找到很多历年真题!包含了大多数主流学科和五个考试局的 Past Papers(IG、A-Level都有)。
Make maths your favourite subject! Welcome to Mathsaurus, where you can learn all the maths you need for maths challenges and Olympiads, 11+, GCSE and A-Level and even university entrance papers. This is school maths like you've never seen it before. Aim
While there are many resources available in this area, such as The GCSE Mindset, by Martin Griffin and Steve Oakes, we found that working collaboratively to develop a bespoke scheme of work and a range of resources to be the best approach. It helped us to focus on our students and their...
RevisionGuideMark edexcelmodularmathsb-schoolsuccess-CambridgeInternationalGCSEMathematics;EdexcelMaths GCSE;Sampleexamquestionsandmarkingschemes.(notrevisionguide). edexcelgcsebiologyschemeofworkpdf-books-EdexcelGcseBiologySchemeOfWorkTomorrow's GeographyforEdexcelGCSESpecificationARevisionGuide:pastpapermarkschemewjec.Cc...
这里有全科每届的pastpaper和markscheme,有很多考试局,从卷子到答案都是很官方的文件,而且更新速度很快。 图片来自:papacambridge官网 值得注意的是,这上面CIE考试局的科目相比其他考试局来说更甚一筹。 🌟网站地址:www.papacambridge.com The Stu...