https://www.ted.com/talks?language=en&sort=relevance&q=english+literature 英语文学讲座 来自牛津大学教授的英语文学讲座,虽然是针对大学生的,但GCSE学生也可以在其中发现一些非常有趣的内容。 https://podcasts.ox.ac.uk/units/faculty-english-language-and-lit...
可以从Junior Math Challenge做起,然后Grey/Pink Kangaroo,然后Senior Challenge等)。
The new GCSE grade boundaries run from 9-1, with 1 being the lowest grade and 9 being the highest grade. The old grading system ran from A*-G with A* being the highest achievable grade. Maths, English language and English literature were the first subjects to adopt this new grading ...
https://www.sparknotes.com/math/ MrBartonmaths 这个网站提供很多优秀的GCSE数学概念笔记和总结。 http://mrbartonmaths.com/students/ Numberphile Numberphile网站提供很多数学家制作的有趣的数学视频。 https://www.numberphile.com/ Online Lectures 一些来自牛津大学的数学讲座,内容可能超出了GCSE数学的大纲范围,适...
https://www.ted.com/playlists/189/math_talks_to_blow_your_mind Drfrostmaths 这是一个GCSE数学的练习题网站,学生需要注册,但访问是免费的。 https://www.drfrostmaths.com/ Nrich 这个网站旨在让学生对复数有一个初步的了解,发现更多关于复数在我们日常生活中的影响和应用。如果A-level想要学习进阶数学,这将...
Five exams (English, math, physics, chemistry and biology) are obligatory, and another four can 7 , for example, French, philosophy, history or art. I am taking 12 GCSE exams this year, 8 the workload (负担) can get a bit too 9 sometimes. So my friends and I are very happy 10 ...
GCSE English Language: Writing About Structure Activity GCSE MATH Apply Ratio to Real Contexts and Problems GCSE MATH Basic Angle Rules GCSE MATH Coordinates in All Four Quadrants GCSE MATH Calculations Using Approximation and Estimation GCSE ENGLISH LANGUAGE PAPER 2 GCSE ENGLISH LANGUAGE PAPER1 GCSE ...
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