考试形式方面,AQA有两张paper,而Edexcel和OCR都有三张paper,题型包括4、8到12分不等的问答题,以及15分的论文题。 论文题针对考生critical thinking,锻炼分析和评估技巧进行考核。 英语文学:强调文学素养与写作能力 English Literature作为大多数学校的必修课之一,和English Language相比,对于文学素养和英语写作能力要求更...
24th May – Literature Paper 2 And then… 5th June – Language Paper 1 12th June – Language Paper 2 The Literature papers are what they are; combinations of the three texts you studied, such as Macbeth for the Shakespeare, A Christmas Carol for the 19th Century text and An Inspector Call...
Grade 9-1 GCSE English Language and Literature Complete Revision Practice by CGP New GCSE English Literature AQA Complete Revision Practice –Grade 9-1 by CGP New Grade 9-1 GCSE English Literature WJEC Eduqas Complete Revision Practice by CGP New Grade 9-1 GCSE English Literature Edexcel Unseen ...
Students who have studied the Core syllabus content, and take Paper 1 and Paper 3 are eligible for grades C to G. Students who have studied the extended syllabus content, and take Paper 2 and Paper 4 are eligible for grades A* to G. 第11页 GCSE Business Studies Aims The aims of this...
六门课是必选的,英语包括两门,英语语言(English Language)和英语文学(English Literature),另外四门是数学,物理,化学,生物。 自己选择的科目是五门。人文学科,地理和历史选了地理,他觉得地理相对更有趣一些。第二门是外语,法语和西班牙语选了法语,本来他是想选西班牙语的,因为小学就学的西班牙语有点基础,而且西班牙...
【中商原版】Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) English SET(2 books): Language, Literature 爱德思国际GCSE(9-1)英语套装2本:语言,文学 配送 至 选择地区查看预计配送信息 快递:6.5元起 服务线下门店 · 收货后结算 选择 货源地;发货地 商品评价
GCSE英语分为英语文学(English Literature)和英语语言(English Language)两部分。英语语言又分为第一语言(First Language English)和第二语言(English as a Second Language)。需要注意的是,大学认可的GCSE英语成绩是英语文学和英语第一语言,第二语言成绩大多数大学都是不认可的。
Edexcel English Literature level for GCSE grade? 3 replies bloomsburyavenue · 10/05/2023 16:24 DS is hoping to get a 6. I’ve been looking at the mark scheme but I’ve no idea how to equate the levels 1-6 with GCSE grades. Can anyone shed any light on this for me? OP ...