我给小朋友上课用的。适合 ‘O’ Level, IGCSE 化学的考生。, 视频播放量 62、弹幕量 0、点赞数 0、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 0、转发人数 1, 视频作者 n4tsuyu, 作者简介 夏瑜,相关视频:【‘o' 水准 IGCSE 化学】balancing chemical equation practice,【‘O' 水准 IGCSE
For example, the equation for kinetic energy is presented in dual form, whereas the equation for Newton's second law of motion is not. Radiation and waves opens with a series of topics on sound, including ultrasound, followed by topics on light, colour and electromagnetic waves. The section ...
1、Demonstrate an understanding that an object may have energy due to its motion or its position, and that energy may be transferred and stored. 描述和理解一个物体由于运动和位置产生的能量,这个能量能够被转换和储存。 2、Give examples of energy in different forms, including kinetic, gravitational, ...
(iii) State the equation linking kinetic energy (KE), mass and speed. (1) (iv) Calculate the maximum KE of the car. (2) maximum KE = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J ...
2-recall and use the equation pV=constant at constant temperature 记住和应用当温度不变时等式,PV=常数 2.2 Thermal properties热性质 (a)Thermal expansion of solids,liquids and gases 固体,液体和气体的热膨胀。 1-describe qualitatively the thermal expansion of solids,liquids and gases ...
In this section you will use the equation to calculate work done use the equation to calculate kinetic energy solve simple energy interchange problems. Work F The force, F, pushes the box for a short distance. This causes the box to start moving!!! I just don’t have any energy ...
6-recall and use the equation p=hρg记住会用等式p=pgh 2.Thermal Physics热学物理 2.1 Simple kinetic molecular model of matter物质简单分子动能模型 (a)States of matter物质的状态 1-state the distinguishing properties of solids,liquids and gases ...