Paper 4(Extended)0580/41–Download Paper–Download Mark Scheme The 0626 syllabus is graded from 9 to 1 but is otherwise the same as Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics – 0580. You can therefore use the past papers for Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics – 0580 to help with the 9-1 version of the syllabu...
While the immediate impact of the pandemic is pushed to the back of minds, it’s recognised that there’s still a significant impact on the education of students who took exams in June 2024. For this reason, students taking GCSE maths in 2024 could still use the formula sheet. Edexcel GCS...
Today has been no different because I shared my final tuition session with a student today on the subject of Protest Writings at A Level and the 2B paper he is about to sit on June 20th, 2022. It is now June 14th so he has six days left, so we went through the novel, The Kite...
#Edexcel June 2017 Higher Paper 1 question 22 这道题目需要利用GCSE数学大纲中多个不同部分的知识来解决,比如平行四边形的性质,除此之外还必须知道余弦法则(三角函数相关知识点)。 评分方案: 几何图形的计算(平行四边形,正方形长方形,圆形)+三角函数是这一类题的考点,几何与代数的结合需要同学们做多类似的习题积...
GCSE MARKING SCHEME2009 Summer Paper 1 (Non calculator) Foundation Tier1. (a) (i) 8204(ii) Four million six hundred thousandOR Four point six million(b) 174(c) (i) 8730(ii) 8700(d) 600 OR six hundred(e) 1, 15, 3, 5
Add Maths的运算量要比普通数学大一些,所以更容易出现错误。一旦来此书里或是past paper里的题写错了...
Add Maths的运算量要比普通数学大一些,所以更容易出现错误。一旦来此书里或是past paper里的题写错了...
2. 勾股定理和三角函数 (Pythagoras and Trigonometry)难点一是在一道题里要用三个公式:Sine rule, ...