Hodder Mathematics: GCSE in a Year (Hodder GCSE Mathematics)Roger Porkess David FaulknerHodder Murray
This year, GCSE results are out on Thursday 25th August 2022. This guide will tell you everything that you need to know to make the most of the big day itself.
中等教育普通证书或 GCSE(The General Certificate in Secondary Education)是英国学生在 11 年级(16 岁)义务教育结束时,获得的基于学科的学术资格证书。 该课程通常在2年或3年的时间内学习,从英国学生的Year9(9年级)或Year10(10年级)开始。具体的开始时间,取决于科目、考试委员会或学校,并在课程结束时完成一系列...
同样的,哈罗公学在Year12阶段仅招收20个男孩,对六th Form 学生的录取标准接近苛刻,GCSE成绩要求是至少7门甚至8门课程取得7/8/9(A*/A),除此之外还有后续很多软实力的要求,对学生基本综合素质要求非常高,所以你如果仅仅是读书好,但是对生活没有积极正面的影响或者行为举止及潜力没有显示出具有领导力的迹象,还是会...
“The 17-and-over cohort has grown and come back over pre-pandemic levels, which is altering the results.” Ofqual told examiners to proceed with “back to normal” grading standards this year after the two-step process to return to pre-pandemic grading was completed last year. ...
Students take a number of computerised tests which gives us a snapshot of a child’s ability to cope within an English curriculum. More than a million students worldwide are involved in these projects and in time this will enable us to compare the progress of BSG students with students of ...
Some GCSE subjects, such as Art and Drama, are based almost exclusively on coursework, so if you're not keen on taking exams at the end of the year, then you may want to move away from subjects that depend significantly on your exam results. 4. Decide which subjects you are good at ...
Julia H, join Harrow Beijing at Year 2: "I am extremely proud of achieving the top score in the world in IGCSE Mathematics, and it would not have been possible without the continual support from my teachers at Harrow. We had an extremely small class, which meant that the teacher knew ev...
You will have a lot of exams to sit at the end of year 11, and you want to ensure you’re putting yourself in the best position possible to achieve the best grades. Your GCSEs will help to determine which A-Levels you study and thus your degree, and so you want to make sure you...
同样的,哈罗公学在Year12阶段仅招收20个男孩,对六th Form 学生的录取标准接近苛刻,GCSE成绩要求是至少7门甚至8门课程取得7/8/9(A*/A),除此之外还有后续很多软实力的要求,对学生基本综合素质要求非常高,所以你如果仅仅是读书好,但是对生活没有积极正面的影响或者行为举止及潜力没有显示出具有领导力的迹象,还是会...