Grade 9, Grade 8 and Grade 7 are equivalent to the old Grades A* and A. Grade 6, Grade 5 and Grade 4 are equivalent to the old Grades B and C. To pass you need at least a Grade 4 or Grade 5. Grades 1 to 3 are like the old D to G. The U grade, meaning “ungrade...
ApplicantsarerequiredtohavetwoGCSEsatgradeCorabove(orequivalent)includingEnglishLanguageandpreferablysomeexperienceinadministration.Candidatesmusthave A、twoGCSEs B、relatedexperience C、anEnglishlanguagecertificat 查看答案 上一题下一题 你可能感兴趣的试题 ...
(I)GCSE level provides an excellent base for them to then complete A level or other equivalent courses. (I)GCSE Subjects Our students are all required to study the following subjects: • Mathematics • Science - Double or Triple award, equivalent to 2 or 3 (I)GCSEs • English - mos...
equivalent 4778 betray 4779 willingness 4780 banker 4781 interval 4782 gasoline 4783 encouraging 4784 rain 4785 exchange 4786 bucket 4787 theft 4788 laundry 4789 constraint 4790 dying 4791 hatred 4792 jewelry 4793 migration 4794 invention 4795 loving 4796 revenge 4797 unprecedented 4798 outline 4799 sheer...