PaperReference Turnover EnglishLiterature Unit1:UnderstandingProse FoundationTier Monday20May2013–Morning Time:1hour45minutes 5ET1F/01 QuestionsandExtractsBooklet DonotreturnthisbookletwiththeAnswerBooklet Cleancopiesofsettextsmaybeused P41506A ©2013PearsonEducationLtd. 1/1/1/1/ *P41506A* EdexcelGCSE...
Students who have studied the Core syllabus content, and take Paper 1 and Paper 3 are eligible for grades C to G. Students who have studied the extended syllabus content, and take Paper 2 and Paper 4 are eligible for grades A* to G. 第11页 GCSE Business Studies Aims The aims of this...
There are also exemplars for GCSE English Language Paper 2 and GCSE English Literature available to download from our website. Section A questions address three Reading Assessment Objectives: AO1, AO2 and AO4. Reading – 50% AO1 AO2 AO4 ● Identify and interpret explicit and implicit ...
However, there will not be open-book exams for English literature qualifications. 3. There will be further papers for students who miss exams because of Covid-19 The government announced today “additional exams to give students a second chance to sit a paper if the main exams or assessments...
English Literature Overall grade boundaries 4ET0 English Literature: Route 1 - Exam only (Papers 01 and 02) 4ET0 English Literature: Route 2 - With coursework (Papers 01 and 03) 4ET0 English Literature: Route 2 - With transferred coursework (Papers 01 and 03T) 4ET...
44阅读文档大小:135.18K16页dudu131016上传于2014-12-28格式:PDF AQA GCSE ENGLISH LANGUAGE & LITERATURE HIGHER STUDENT'S BOOK ... 热度: 欢迎来到95后的世界--95后专题研究第一期 95后生活形态报告-0527 热度: 欢迎来到95后的世界--95后专题研究第一期《95后生活形态调研报告》 ...
GCSE Courses & CurriculumEnglish Language ICT (GCSE) English Literature Art & Design Food & Nutrition Business Studies Classical Greek Mathematics Drama Graphic Products Geography Mandarin Chinese Science Photography Textiles History Private Study French or Spanish Music Classical Civilisation Religious Studies...
听说读写6/7/5.5/5.5)。所以学校老师就不让我GCSE选English Language and literature,尽管我十分...
听说读写6/7/5.5/5.5)。所以学校老师就不让我GCSE选English Language and literature,尽管我十分...
Introduction to Small BusinessStalin's Leadership 1924-1941Science Core Physics Foundation Science Core Physics HigherEnglish Literature BMaths EOTASMaths (non calculator)Mathe Paper 1 (non calculator)FAMQ Money ManagementBiologyBiologyListening & Analysing MU2ChemistryEnglish Literature FoundationReligio...