twelve key things that Hardy does to achieve the overall effect of each poem, chances are you will be able to apply many of those things to whatever essay question arises. Attached is a word document you could use to fill in your own ideas, with two examples for each poem:Hardy ten ...
揣摩选段的开头、中间和结尾,它被精心选择是有原因的。 2、写简单的essay计划 对于较长的essay问题,在阅读了摘录或诗歌并做了注释之后,应该给自己几分钟的时间来写一个简短的计划。 挑出3到4个你认为重要和相关的关键点或事件。在考试开始的时候花一点时间来计划将有助于确保文章结构清晰连贯,并且涵盖了所有需要的...