EAL 是English as Additional Language。因为我是在国内公立学校初三毕业来的英国,所以那时候英语水平还挺...
Analysis comparing GCSE English literature texts against popular teenage fiction reveals the vocabulary barriers that can make the course difficult for students
There is a deep sense of irony in this poem, right from the title onwards, because when asked recently, by their teacher of English, swathes of students could not tell me what certain things were in this poem, like what happened in 1066, or who Dick Whittington was, or even Mary Seacol...
Her school has opted to enter all Y11s for English Language in November because they did their Speaking and Listening assessments in Y10 and it’s the last chance for them to count. However, the premise was that it was a no-risk decision because students who did not deliver their target ...