12th June – Language Paper 2 The Literature papers are what they are; combinations of the three texts you studied, such as Macbeth for the Shakespeare, A Christmas Carol for the 19th Century text and An Inspector Calls, for the modern text (play). You may have your own variations and as...
This section includes recent GCSE English Language and English Language 2.0 (9-1) past papers from Pearson Edexcel (EN01 and EN2 Syllabuses). You can download each of the Pearson Edexcel GCSE English Language past papers and marking schemes by clicking the lin...
英语语言又分为第一语言(First Language English)和第二语言(English as a Second Language)。需要注意的是,大学认可的GCSE英语成绩是英语文学和英语第一语言,第二语言成绩大多数大学都是不认可的。 英国有5个不同的出题考试局(AQA、Edexcel、CCEA、OCR、WJEC),出题风格各不相同,但教学大纲基本一致。学校有权自主...
考试形式方面,AQA有两张paper,而Edexcel和OCR都有三张paper,题型包括4、8到12分不等的问答题,以及15分的论文题。 论文题针对考生critical thinking,锻炼分析和评估技巧进行考核。 英语文学:强调文学素养与写作能力 English Literature作为大多数学校的必修课之一,和English Language相比,对于文学素养和英语写作能力要求更...
考试形式方面,AQA有两张paper,而Edexcel和OCR都有三张paper,题型包括4、8到12分不等的问答题,以及15分的论文题。 论文题针对考生critical thinking,锻炼分析和评估技巧进行考核。 英语文学:强调文学素养与写作能力 English Literature作为大多数学校的必修课之一,和English Language相比,对于文学素养和英语写作能力要求更...
New Grade 9-1 GCSE English Language AQA Reading Skills Workbook: Non-Fiction(includes Answers) by CGP New GCSE English Language Edexcel Revision Guide –for the Grade 9-1 Courseby CGP New GCSE English Language Edexcel Workbook –for the Grade 9-1 Course (includes Answers) by CGP The Mr Sal...
New Grade 9-1 GCSE English Language AQA Reading Skills Workbook:Non-Fiction(includes Answers)by CGP New GCSE English Language Edexcel Revision Guide–for the Grade 9-1 Course by CGP New GCSE English Language Edexcel Workbook–for the Grade 9-1 Course(includes Answers)by CGP ...
5月17日(上午)CCEA 生物(Paper 1)单科+组合 6月7日(下午)AQA,Edexcel,OCR 生物(Paper 2) 6月10日(上午)WEJC 生物(Unit 1) Foundation and Higer 5月17日(上午)CCEA 生物(Paper 2)combined double award and single science 6月11日(上午)CCEA 生物(Practical Theory)组合 ...
International GCSE English Language A - Edexcel 热度: CentreNumberCandidateNumber Writeyournamehere SurnameOthernames TotalMarks PaperReference Turnover P43318A ©2013PearsonEducationLtd. 1/1/1/1/ *P43318A0116* Chemistry Unit:4CH0 Paper:2CR ...
Language: HKCEE Grade E/Level 2; HKALE Grade E; GCE (AL/AS) GradeE;GCSE/IGCSE/GCE-OL Grade C; IB 4. ipass.gov.hk ipass.gov.hk (1)中國語文: 香港中學會考達E/2級;香港高級程度會考達E級;GCE (AL/AS)達E級;GCSE/IGCSE/GCE-OL達C級;IB達4。